Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The Betazed government was the planetary government of the planet Betazed.

Due primarily to her status as "Daughter of the Fifth House, Holder of the Sacred Chalice of Rixx, Heir to the Holy Rings of Betazed" in 2364, Starfleet granted Lwaxana Troi full ambassadorial status. Due to her being listed as representing the Betazed government at the conference on Pacifica, as was it the expectation of said government that the USS Enterprise-D delivered the ambassador to the conference on time. Due to her full ambassadorial status, it was required that both the captain and first officer were present to greet her, wearing their dress uniforms. (TNG: "Manhunt")

After Ambassador Troi went into a coma after working with a delegation of Cairn, her daughter, Deanna Troi, made inquiries to the government on Betazed, in order to uncover whether her mother had been through some kind of psychic trauma she was not aware of. (TNG: "Dark Page")
