Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Bernardo Calvera was a Human male who lived during the early 21st century in San Francisco on Earth, who served as an officer with the Sanctuary District Police. Calvera was had a wife Sonya and children.

In 2024, Calvera, along with his partner Vin, were stationed in Sanctuary District A when they were taken hostage during the Bell Riots. (DS9: "Past Tense, Part I")

Despite his partner's objections Calvera cooperated with the hostage-takers because of his strong desire to return home to his family. (DS9: "Past Tense, Part II")

Bernardo Calvera was played by Al Rodrigo.

His first name was derived from the first name of Charles Bronson's character Bernardo in the film The Magnificent Seven. His surname was derived from the name of the villain of the film, Eli Wallach's character of Calvera. (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion, p. 197)
