Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Benecia was an inhabited planet in the Benecia system of the Alpha Quadrant. The Benecia Colony was located on this planet.


At warp 2, Benecia was located approximately forty-eight hours away from Camus II. (TOS: "Turnabout Intruder")

In 2293, the location of Benecia in the Milky Way Galaxy was labeled in the star chart "The Explored Galaxy", which was on display in Captain Kirk's quarters aboard the USS Enterprise-A. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, okudagram)


In 2266, the Karidian Company of Players intended to play two Shakespearian performances on Benecia, as part of the Galactic Cultural Exchange Project. After an attempted murder of Captain James T. Kirk, Lenore Karidian, the daughter of Governor Kodos, was institutionalized on Benecia. She had been murdering the survivors of the Tarsus IV massacre who could identify her father. In Doctor Leonard McCoy's opinion, she would receive the best of care available on Benecia. (TOS: "The Conscience of the King")

In 2269, questioning "Kirk's" decision to divert to Benecia, Commander Spock judged the medical facilities of the colony to be most primitive, not suited to diagnose and treat radiation sickness. Janice Lester, who had transferred her consciousness to the body of Kirk, ordered the ship to set course to Benecia, to buy herself time to kill Captain Kirk, whose consciousness was trapped in her original body. Later, also operating as Kirk, she gave the order for an executed Spock to be interred on Benecia. (TOS: "Turnabout Intruder")


Background information[]

For the pre-remastered episode, the planet model for Benecia was first used for Delta Vega ("Where No Man Has Gone Before"). It was used later for Alfa 177 ("The Enemy Within"), M-113 ("The Man Trap"), Tantalus V ("Dagger of the Mind"), Planet Q ("The Conscience of the King"), Gothos ("The Squire of Gothos"), Lazarus' planet ("The Alternative Factor"), Beta III ("The Return of the Archons"), Janus VI ("The Devil in the Dark"), Organia ("Errand of Mercy"), Mudd ("I, Mudd"), Argus X ("Obsession"), and Ardana ("The Cloud Minders"). For the remastered episode, a new planet model was created by CGI artist Max Gabl.

According to Star Trek: Star Charts ("United Federation of Planets I"), in 2378, Benecia (Benecia Colony) was listed as a Federation member.


According to FASA's The Federation sourcebook, Benecia is the third planet in the Delta Majoris system.

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