Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
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Behavior was, first of all, the observable responses of an animal or individual to their environment or stimulus. Second, it was the way an individual acted or conducted themselves, especially to other individuals. And finally, it was the way a natural phenomenon or machine acted or functioned.

Sentient species each had their own code of behavior. In this code, which was both verbal and written, the rules governing behavior were laid out. For Humans, it took a few thousand years for them to develop a code, which Captain Jonathan Archer felt his species was getting right in the 22nd century. This code applied to both Starfleet officers and space boomers; however, it was considered unfair to expect people who never attended Starfleet Academy to have Starfleet behavior. When a Starfleet officer broke the rules, it was the duty of another officer to stop them. (ENT: "Fight or Flight", "Fortunate Son"; VOY: "Learning Curve", "Equinox")

In 3189, in an effort to prove she was from Starfleet to Kal, Sylvia Tilly quoted Starfleet Regulation 256.15, which stated, "Starfleet officers shall display behavior befitting an officer at all times." (DIS: "Far From Home")

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