Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Prime father

Balloons used as decorations on K'Tuevon Prime

A balloon was a type of flexible bag that could be inflated with a gas, such as air.


In the holographic program titled Julian Bashir, Secret Agent, Hippocrates Noah described his plan cause the surface of the Earth to shrink as being "just like letting air out of a balloon." (DS9: "Our Man Bashir")

In 2268, Doctor Leonard McCoy compared the sudden onset of weakness in the crew of the USS Enterprise to a balloon popping. (TOS: "The Immunity Syndrome")


In 2367, while playing in the arcade on Ogus II, Jake Potts popped a balloon filled with red pillion dye to scare his brother Willie into thinking he'd killed him. (TNG: "Brothers")

Balloons were often a decorative element at birthday parties in Human and Prime cultures. (TNG: "Parallels"; VOY: "Latent Image"; LD: "Veritas")

When Ensign Sam Rutherford was unconscious recovering from injuries, he had been left a balloon that read "Get Well Soon!" (LD: "No Small Parts")


According to a diagram drawn by Robert H. Goddard, the height limit for a balloon (on Earth) was twenty miles. (Star Trek: Enterprise opening credits)

A painting in Marla Aster's quarters aboard the USS Enterprise-D in 2366 depicted a balloon craft descending in the atmosphere of Jupiter. (TNG: "The Bonding")

Balloons as vehicles[]

See also

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