Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The following is a list of unnamed Arin'Sen.


Arin'Sen leader

The escapees' leader

This man was the leader of a group of Arin'Sen refugees who, in 2152, fled from their home planet of Raatooras to escape the oppression of the Klingon Empire.

He and his group were near death when Enterprise located their disabled ship. Captain Jonathan Archer ordered a docking and rescued the alien. He explained that their planet had been annexed by the Klingons, who stole their resources and abandoned them. They decided to escape to freedom, but were pursued by a Klingon ship under the command of Duras. He and his group were saved by Archer - Enterprise disabled the Klingon ship and transported them all to safety. (ENT: "Judgment")

This Arin'Sen was played by actor Victor Talmadge.

The Star Trek Encyclopedia, 4th ed., vol. 1, p. 47 identified this character as Asahf.

Refugee 1 []

Arin'Sen refugee, female

An Arin'Sen refugee

This female refugee was among the crew of the Klingon transport rescued by Enterprise in 2152. She was carried into sickbay for treatment. (ENT: "Judgment")

This refugee was played by an unknown actress.

Refugee 2 []

Arin'Sen refugee

An Arin'Sen refugee

This male refugee was among the crew of the Arin'Sen transport rescued by Enterprise in 2152. He was carried into sickbay by Billy and Tanner for treatment. (ENT: "Judgment")

This refugee was played by an unknown actor.
