Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The aquathawn was a large aquatic animal native to the oceanic planet Aqu'tica.


Aquathawns were heavily hunted by the Aqu'ticans, a pre-warp sentient race that also inhabited their homeworld, and by the late 24th century the species neared extinction.

In 2384, the crew of the USS Protostar endeavored to save a pregnant female aquathawn from poachers, hoping that such "good deeds" would induce Starfleet to regard them favorably when they arrived in Federation space. Gwyn, Dal R'El, and Jankom Pog attempted to use Shuttle 07 as bait to lure the aquathawn to safety, which resulted in it being engulfed when Gwyn was distracted by a resurfacing memory of her father. Shortly after, Zero beamed the aquathawn into the Protostar's shuttlebay, where she spat out the shuttle unharmed. The animal was then successfully relocated to safe waters shared by others of her kind. (PRO: "Asylum")


Aquathawn diagram

Diagram of a pregnant aquathawn

The aquathawn was similar in appearance to some Earth whales. Living in shallow sunlit seas, they were predatory and gave birth to live young. (PRO: "Asylum")
