Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Doctor Apollinaire was a 19th century Earth physician who worked at the San Francisco charity hospital known as Sisters of Hope Infirmary. He was one of the doctors who dealt with the cholera epidemic of the time, used as a cover by the Devidians so they could feed on Human neural energy.

As part of an investigation into the Devidians' activities, members of the USS Enterprise-D crew traveled to the past. Doctor Beverly Crusher posed as a nurse and worked at the Sisters of Hope Infirmary under Dr. Apollinaire. He was slightly contemptuous of her suggested treatments. (TNG: "Time's Arrow, Part II")

James Gleason

Gleason on a makeup continuity polaroid for the episode

Apollinaire was played by James Gleason. The cast listing in the script had his named misspelled as "Appollinaire".

According to the script, "He seems to be a kindly doctor, but underneath lie the typical assumptions of 19th century sexism and racism."

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