Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
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An antimatter injector was a device in antimatter containment which precisely compressed and streamed antimatter into the form which entered the dilithium articulation frame in a starship's warp core. (ENT: "Acquisition")

When the matter and antimatter injectors came back online, Trip Tucker had to check this and left the catwalk while the ship went through a neutronic storm with radiolytic isotopes. There he found members of the Takret Militia invading the ship. (ENT: "The Catwalk")

During the 2150s, Andorian battle cruisers were fitted with antimatter injectors that used variable-compression nozzles. At the time, the Andorians considered the technology as "very sophisticated," and knowledge about them as "rather sensitive." During the Xindi mission, Trip Tucker received an antimatter injector from Shran, as a favor, because, according to Tucker, "one of those injectors would work wonders for our engines." (ENT: "Proving Ground")

Several antimatter injectors were stolen from Enterprise by the Osaarians in 2153. (ENT: "Anomaly (ENT)")

Two antimatter injectors were among the equipment Tau and his pirates stole from the Voyager in 2374. (VOY: "Concerning Flight")

In 2374, the USS Voyager escaped the quantum singularity of a Hirogen communications facility by increasing the output of the antimatter injectors to 120%. The same phenomena destroyed some Hirogen ships. (VOY: "Hunters")

That same year, a lone member of Species 8472 gained access to main engineering on Voyager through the antimatter injector port. It attacked the engineering crew, though it did not damage the ship. (VOY: "Prey")

In late 2375, when the USS Defiant was about to leave Deep Space 9 for the Chin'toka system, Colonel Kira Nerys opened the ship's antimatter injector ports. (DS9: "The Changing Face of Evil")

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