Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Anomaly storage room

The Cerritos' anomaly storage room

The anomaly storage room (also called the anomaly room) was a compartment on Federation California-class starships where objects awaiting further study or return to their previous entities were stored. Access was restricted to lieutenants junior grade or higher, due to the objects' often-dangerous nature.

In 2381, D'Vana Tendi took Beckett Mariner and Sam Rutherford to see the anomaly room on the USS Cerritos, as a perk of their recent promotion to lieutenants jg. They later took a chula game, a Betazoid gift box, and a Kataan probe from the room to assemble a kind of booby trap with which to prank Lieutenant Dirk. (LD: "In the Cradle of Vexilon")
