Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

List of unnamed Andorians.

By century[]

Unknown era[]

Aenar sighters []

According to Thy'lek Shran, only a handful of Andorians had ever seen an Aenar face-to-face as of 2154. (ENT: "The Aenar")

These Andorians were only mentioned in dialogue.

Although the existence of Aenar was confirmed in 2104, they were believed to be a myth prior to that. Shran may only be speaking of those who had seen them in the 22nd century, or including those whose tales led to the myths.

Renegades []

These renegades, while in the Triangulum system, dismantled their ship and hid it, leading a Starfleet admiral to believe they had left the system.

Jean-Luc Picard recalled this incident when Worf failed to find the hostiles that had attacked the Delta Rana star system in 2366. (TNG: "The Survivors")

These renegades were only mentioned in dialogue.

