Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Amargosa Diaspora

The USS Enterprise-D deep within the Amargosa Diaspora

The Amargosa Diaspora was an unusually dense globular cluster.

In 2369, the USS Enterprise-D was assigned to chart this vast region. To expedite the process, Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge devised a way to enhance the long-range sensors by transferring warp power to the main deflector grid. His modifications attracted the attention of solanogen-based lifeforms to the ship. (TNG: "Schisms")

The Amargosa Diaspora was named after the Amargosa Desert and a pet finch of episode writer Brannon Braga's mother. (Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion, 2nd ed., p. 221)

It was unclear whether the Amargosa star was associated with the Amargosa Diaspora.
