Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

An Alverian dung beetle was a repulsive insect.

While training Odo to act like a Klingon warrior during their mission to expose Gowron as a Changeling in 2373, Worf referred to Odo as an Alverian dung beetle. Worf's insult was in response to Odo's statement that he could not understand why Worf was training them. Expecting Odo to retaliate, Worf repeated the insult, to which Odo replied, "You should have your eyes examined." (DS9: "Apocalypse Rising")

According to the script, the insect's name was pronounced as "al-VER-ee-uhn." [1]

According to the RPG sourcebook Creatures, Alverian dung beetles feed on the dung of Alverian ruegongs. They synthesize hyronalin from dung nutrients, making them a delicacy for Alverians seeking to protect themselves from radiation.

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