Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Aerodynamics was the study of air's relationship to flight.

In 2032, astronaut John Kelly recalled to his father in a log how he, at the age of 6, once jumped off the roof of their home with a blanket parachute, failing at the time to calculate the aerodynamics. (VOY: "One Small Step")

In 2375, Tom Paris noted that the Delta Flyer's "ultra-aerodynamic contours", among other features, contributed to the spacecraft's swiftness. (VOY: "Extreme Risk")

According to audio commentary for "Q Who" on the TNG Season 2 Blu-ray, the Borg cube was designed without any regard for aerodynamics, these being irrelevant in the vacuum of space. The script for the episode also stated "It's box like, with none of the aerodynamic qualities associated with most spaceships including the Enterprise."

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