Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

List of unnamed Aenar.

Surviving members []

According to Shran, there were only a few thousand surviving Aenar left. (ENT: "The Aenar")

These Aenar were only mentioned in dialogue.

Guard 1 []

Aenar guard

A guard

This guard, together with Jhamel and another guard, found Jonathan Archer and Shran, after Shran injured himself while searching for the Aenar. Archer informed the Aenar that Shran required their assistance. Jhamel said that they would assist them and took them to their doctor. (ENT: "The Aenar")

This Aenar was played by regular extra Glen Hambly, who did not receive screen credit.

Guard 2 []

Aenar guard 2

A guard

This guard, together with Jhamel and the first guard, found Jonathan Archer, and an injured Shran who fell impaling himself on a stalagmite while searching for the Aenar. Archer informed they required immediate assistance. Jhamel and the guards took Shran and Archer to medical care. (ENT: "The Aenar")

The incredibly detailed guard #2 costume was created in ultra soft fur, with leather tie accents, a honey comb covering veil, faceted mother of pearl on leather belt finished with multi-sized and shaped clear and Aurora Borealis "jewels" showing the amazing attention to detail the Star Trek creative team put in even the smallest of details. The Aenar costume was designed to camouflage, blending into the ice, reflect light when properly lit, and to provide a source of warmth and protection.

This Aenar was played by Nathan Effron, who did not receive screen credit.

Jhamel and Gareb's family []

As children, Jhamel and Gareb caused their family to worry when they chased ice-bores. She felt they would be worried about her when she went to rescue her brother. (ENT: "The Aenar")

This family was only mentioned in dialogue.

Physician []

Aenar medic

A physician

The physician attended to Shran's injured leg. Although he did not speak, he conveyed mentally to Lissan, the Aenar leader, that Shran would recover. (ENT: "The Aenar")

This Aenar was played by extra Robert Schwertzer, who received no credit for his appearance.
