Six Spiritual Tricks That Put You Ahead of 90% of People

Spirituality is more useful than you think.

Alberto García 🚀🚀🚀
The Writers Fight Club


Photo by Victor Dueñas Teixeira on Unsplash

Many people laugh at spiritual people.

They think their beliefs are bullshit and worthless.

They are wrong, very wrong.

Here are six tricks that spiritual people use in their day-to-day lives that put them ahead of 90 percent of people.

  1. Awareness. You spend 90% of your day on autopilot. You only pay attention to the setbacks and goals on your to-do list without realizing that the secret of success is in the details: the way you chew your food can improve your digestion and therefore make your evenings more energetic and less soporific, the correct body posture in front of the computer increases your productivity, the proper understanding of your client’s body language saves you misunderstandings, time and money. Spiritual people know this; that’s why they practice mindfulness and try to be present for as long as possible. How are you going to change something you are not aware of?
  2. Positive affirmations. 99% of your worries are fears that never materialize but distress you through recurring intrusive thoughts, weakening you and preventing you from getting the most out of life. Negative thoughts can be so painful that prisoners who misbehave are…

