There Is One Big Reason You Buy the Wines You Buy (And It Isn’t Because of the Taste)

You might think you buy wine on its taste alone but evidence suggests otherwise

Charlie Brown


Do you buy rosé because you like the taste or you like what it signifies? Be honest now. Photo by Fran The Now Time on Unsplash

I heard it every single day in my wine store and bar.

If I like the taste, that’s all that matters.

That phrase bothered me because I knew it to be unequivocally untrue.

And as it turns out, there is evidence to prove it.

I’m not saying the taste of a wine doesn’t matter. It does.

But there is something bigger at play here. There is the fact that different wines signify different things. They have cultural meaning. When you choose to drink a particular wine, it says something about who you are and what image you want to project to the world.

The same goes for what you don’t buy.

Wine comes with a lot of cultural baggage. And it turns out, you take on this baggage every time you go to buy a bottle.

Sometimes it matters even more than the taste.

When you think of Chardonnay, what do you think?

Most expensive white wine in the world with flavours that can blow your freaking mind? Or…



Charlie Brown
Editor for

Writer of opinions. Wine & food pro. Editor of Rooted, a boostable Medium food & drink pub. Niche-avoidant. Also at