Anyone Who Says Taylor Swift Isn’t A Good Role Model Is A Misogynist

Am I a ‘crazy’ Swiftie? No, but I respect that woman and what she’s done.

Ossiana Tepfenhart
Rock n’ Heavy


Photo by Rosa Rafael on Unsplash

I guess I shouldn’t have to say this by now, but there’s a huge uproar over an article that went viral about Taylor Swift. It’s an opinion piece written by a guy at Newsweek by John Mac Ghlionn, and it boiled down to this pearl-clutching crap:

  • She dated 12 different men.
  • She has no kids.
  • She’s no married.
  • She is also against the patriarchy.

Ergo, Taylor Swift is not a role model because she doesn’t have kids. Of course, it was written by a guy who asked his readers, “Would any loving parent reading this want their daughter to date 12 different men in the span of just a few years?”

Hey, John, your misogyny is showing.

It never ceases to amaze me how many men will pick apart a woman who does amazing things because she is either sexually active, childfree, not a mom yet, or a vocal feminist.

More amazingly still, guys like John really seem to pat themselves on the back when they do this — as if they are doing some kind of groundbreaking work in humanities.



I’m a weirdo who loves to write. Deal with it. Available for hire. Instagram @ossiana.makes.content