12 Low-Key Signs Someone Has Orphan Energy

Do you carry yourself like a kid who has no parents without knowing it?

Ossiana Tepfenhart


Photo by frank mckenna on Unsplash

Did you ever have a moment when you met a person and immediately recognized that they had a hard life? Many people have told me that I’ve been that person.

More specifically, when I was younger and would run away from my house, I’d be told that I had a vibe about me that gave off Orphan Energy. My home life, at the time, sucked.

My parents and I did not see eye-to-eye at the time. I also didn’t have any real friends. The ones I kind of had were often just there to try to hit on me or poke fun of me.

Later on, I met others who had the same Orphan Energy as I did. Orphan Energy is the term people around me used for the behaviors of a person who didn’t really have a family around them.

If you’ve ever been there, you might have it. Or you might be a person who’s seen it. These are my tip-offs for people who have Orphan Energy.

Rejection hurts them more than others.

Rejection dysphoria is a much deeper cut for a person who has been rejected by the very people who are supposed to love them. It reinforces the feeling that they’re not enough or unlovable.



Ossiana Tepfenhart

I’m a weirdo who loves to write. Deal with it. Available for hire. Instagram @ossiana.makes.content