10 Weird Things That Happen When Your Parents Are Emotionally Immature

If you know, you know. If you don’t, you know now.

Ossiana Tepfenhart


Photo by Xavier Mouton Photographie on Unsplash

People often assume that parents will be the mature adults in the room, but that’s not always true. Many children are raised by parents who are neither emotionally mature nor intellectually mature.

Those kids lead hard lives, often by no fault of their own.

When you grow up with a parent whose immaturity affects you, you end up dealing with weird issues. As someone who’s seen it up close and personal, I can attest to the ways a parent’s immaturity can harm kids as they grow.

These signs below suggest that an emotionally immature parent might have raised you — and it may have affected you more than you think.

You become afraid of members of your own gender — or are constantly trying for their approval.

Immature parents may end up viewing their children as competition or may even be jealous of them. When this happens, the parent may lash out at their child or sabotage their lives “just because.”

According to Psychology Today, this kind of dynamic is most common with narcissistic mothers, but it can happen to sons, too. Children who…



Ossiana Tepfenhart

I’m a weirdo who loves to write. Deal with it. Available for hire. Instagram @ossiana.makes.content