Ready to ditch my MacBook for Windows?

Lewis J Doyle
Mac O’Clock
Published in
4 min readJul 1, 2024



I’m one of those anomalies that has failed to remain devoted to one platform or another. Most who read this blog, will describe themselves as Apple or Windows fans and will happily add verbiage in my comments as to why they prefer the platform they do.

There are a few of us that float between the two, but it seems we’re in the minority.

So I find myself using both my Samsung Galaxy Book Ultra and MacBook Pro, working with Windows 11 and MacOS. I like both; I value them both.

I go back a long time with Windows


Here’s the thing: I got my first Windows-powered computer back in 1996 (yeah, I’m that old). I had used my older brother’s Windows 3.1 machine, but my first PC came with Windows 95. It’s hard to believe it, but that was almost 30 years ago, and I’ve been using Windows pretty much daily for that time, so it’s fair to say that not only am I familiar with Windows, but it’s also a system that I’m fond of.

But it would be fair, and very accurate for that matter, to say that it hasn’t been completely plain sailing in that time. It would be accurate…



Lewis J Doyle
Mac O’Clock

I'm a chap that loves tech and productivity so tend to write about those things. You can also find me at and @lewisjdoyle