iPhone 15 Pro Max — shooting ProRes log is not easy…but SO worth it!

It’s taken me some time…but I think I have got it about right!

David Lewis
Mac O’Clock


Blackmagic camera app on iPhone 15 Pro Max
image: author

Shot on iPhone — sounds so easy, right?

Well if you’ve tried and failed to shoot in ProRes log on your iPhone 15 Pro Max I feel your pain — trust me I’ve been there. So in this story, I will try to tell you everything I’ve come across so far that has helped me finally get good results and later on I’ll tell you how to save some money as well!

I bought my iPhone 15 Pro Max on launch weekend and have loved using it ever since. So in theory I have the same phone that Apple used to create that event — but the reality is, it’s not all that easy.

In the name of art

There are plenty of videos out there that explain how to colour correct, colour grade and use Apple’s ProRes log feature — but the problem is they all assume you have some basic background knowledge — but what if you don’t?

I’ve struggled to get the results I wanted out of the camera — but I was determined to get to the bottom of it and I think I’m finally getting somewhere. I’m far from sitting here saying that I’m some genius who has all the answers — but that’s the point…this story is going to try and help you from the ground up…



David Lewis
Mac O’Clock

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