iPad & Final Cut 2 — a cut above the rest

So the iPad has got more power than it needs — or has it?

David Lewis
Mac O’Clock


M4 iPad Pro running Final Cut 2 for iPad
image: author

The iPad is probably the most divisive product that Apple makes. It’s a Marmite product — there is no middle ground. I’ve learned over the past few weeks of using and making content about the iPad that you either love it or hate it. You either get it or you don’t.

This week I’ve ramped up the demands on my 13-inch M4 iPad Pro in the only way I know how to — video editing. I put Final Cut Pro 2 for iPad on my iPad and over the weekend — I also downloaded the new Final Cut Camera app onto my iPad, iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max and decided to head out and see what the iPad is like to use away from the studio as a total production solution. What could go wrong?

I was curious to know if the iPad now represented a genuine alternative to Mac for video editing. Is it a running gun creation tool? What’s it like to use, who it’s for, how well did the iPad stand up to these new demands and what effect did it have on the battery life of the iPad and iPhones?

One hugely important point to make about the iPad though — you can shoot content on it as well as edit it and even potentially upload it making it a one-stop



David Lewis
Mac O’Clock

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