I Have Serious Concerns About Apple Intelligence and User Privacy

What is the cost of convenience? And do I dare trust Big Tech?

Michael Swengel
Mac O’Clock


Apple says Apple Intelligence is private and secure. Image source: Apple

Apple Intelligence is the long awaited replacement for Siri, Apple’s virtual assistant which debuted back in February of 2010.

It promises to be able to perform tasks and help us in our day to day lives in ways that Siri has, up to this point, been unable.

Despite the fact that the vast majority of iPhone users won’t get Apple Intelligence, it feels like an excellent step in the right direction for Apple’s software as a whole.

But does that step come at the cost of privacy? Apple says no. Still, I have to wonder how it couldn’t.

Convenience at any cost

For too long, we have welcome with open arms anything that makes our lives easier and more convenient without stopping often enough to think about the cost. What data are we giving up? What personal, private information are we gleefully giving to who-knows-who all to save a few seconds of time?

It’s a troubling trend.

How often have we as a whole stopped to really think about how much data Google has on us? Or what we’re handing over if we use Siri or Alexa?

