Heal Toxic Habits

Photo Credit: Jessica Ticozzelli on Pexels

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When you’re with a toxic person, you know it’s not healthy for you. You try to stay away from them, but they keep popping up in your life, ready to mess things up.

All you want to do is protect your emotional state.

Toxic people are everywhere; the world is moving at a fast pace, I often don’t understand what is going on and I think how privileged my grandparents were to have lived so well in the 50's.

But things weren’t always like this. Toxic people never “moved” me.

G. is my aunt and I don’t know if the zodiac sign has anything to do with the fact that she has always been an extremely negative and toxic person, eager to control everything around her.

I’m not gossiping, it’s a remark. She’s a Libra and has always been more of an introvert.

More than 20 years ago, she had an accident at the factory where she used to work. Her then ex-boyfriend burned to death trying to save others from a devastating fire (true story). It left a deep mark both literally and figuratively.

That’s when she lost her first child. Extremely painful.

She stood in the hospital for a long time. I was far too young to understand what was going…



Foodie▪️Artist▪️Candid Thinker▪️Aspiring Best Author▪️Nichless▪️ Animal Lover▪️Tech Addict▪️ Writing about almost everything▪️ Living with anemia▪️ Badass Leo♌