How the Worst Teacher I Ever had Made me the Dedicated Teacher that I am

How one teacher’s disregard inspired me to teach with empathy

Britt Blomster
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


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I never imagined I would write that the worst teacher I ever had made me the dedicated teacher I am today. Mrs. C destroyed my confidence and self-worth within the confines of her outdated classroom, with the fans loudly whirring and her gold hoops swaying as she told a joke that only she chuckled at. Without her specific brand of loathing, she served my way. I wouldn’t be the empathetic, big-hearted teacher I am today. I developed anxiety in her classroom, but it’s enabled me to spot anxiety in my students and understand classroom behavior better. We can learn much from our past sorrows, shame, and mistakes. It could weaken us or strengthen us. I chose to let my experience with Mrs. C fortify me.

Sixth grade was a big year in my life. Not only did I shift from the comforts of elementary school, but I dived into the frigid waters of Catholic school. I was with students who had bonded since kindergarten. The chilliest spot in the restrictive and rigid private school pool was Mrs. C. Adapting to the academic dynamic of a Catholic school took some time as I was unused to traditional tests and their grading system. I feel. I made friends quickly, settling in socially but academically was a period of…



Britt Blomster
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Writer, poet, storyteller, dreamer, teacher and mother. I do not have a Niche but whatever flows from my heart. Always be true to your heart.