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Why TDD is a waste of time

Raphael Yoshiga
3 min readJun 17, 2024


As an ex-practitioner of TDD, it is time to give the credit it deserves, TDD is not worth it. As a developer, I need to spend as much time as possible writing code, I can’t be spending valuable time writing tests.

A few days ago, I was writing an endpoint to manage an online banking bank account. This required the account to exist in the database, a valid login/password, and data from an external microservice. There are too many things to set up mocks.

Writing automated tests is just a waste of time. When you are working on a critical feature, you can simply:

  • Develop
  • Test/Debug locally
  • Set data in the local database
  • Disabling the endpoint authentication so you don’t have to set data on the authentication system
  • Put a breakpoint on the external API call to replace the data returned.
  • Or, in case of time-sensitive features, like late appointments or payment reminders, you can wait for the reminders to kick in.

After each change, we can repeat the process above for our feature and all other possible scenarios we might have impacted. 20 scenarios to test? No problem.

As the process of retesting the application takes some time, you should only do this once a day or every…



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CEO at FCamara UK. TDD evangelist with over 14 years of experience in developing scalable software.