Inspiration | Personal Development

Do You Have Enough or Want More?

The 3 states of sufficiency

Bill Abbate
6 min read5 days ago


Photo by Brad Switzer on Unsplash

Do you have all you need, or are you often lacking? Imagine a life where you have so much you can give most of it away and still have plenty left. What an extraordinary position to be in! Let’s explore the three states of sufficiency, how they impact life, and how you can achieve a state of true abundance and fulfillment.

The three states of sufficiency

The three states of sufficiency cut across every area of life, including money, work, career, food, relationships, love, marriage, mindset, attitude, and many other human needs and desires. The states include possessing an amount of something that is:

  • Sufficient (adequate)
  • Insufficient (inadequate)
  • Supersufficient (abundant)

Each state reveals intriguing insights about ourselves, highlighting our true priorities and thought patterns. They illuminate where our interests lie and expose significant aspects of our lives and the lives of others.

In this essay, let’s focus on something that affects each of the above three states regardless of the area of sufficiency in our lives — generosity and its counterpart, greed.



Bill Abbate

Leadership Writer and Editor in ILLUMINATION, Leadership/Executive Coach, Author