The Anti-Process Manifesto

Zack Akil
1 min readJul 4, 2024


We all like things to be more efficient, especially at work. So we build processes, systems and apps to “help us”. However to make use of these new processes we have to learn how to use the new process, which to an already full work load, is never exciting.

The main problem is when the process is also “technically optional” i.e you can get away with not doing it at all. To those of us that are more “pragmatically selective with our time”, when presented with either “learn this new process” or “just skip doing it all together”, I know from experience which one I will always pick.

Enter the Anti-Process.

These are the holy grail of processes, that don’t require you to change what you’re doing, and meet you where you are. Zero learning required… truly seamless.

When you experience them, you think, “Wow, that was surprisingly easy”, or better yet, you don’t think anything because the process happened without you haven't to think. That's an Anti-Process.


  • Expense reporting where you use the company card and it automatically fills out the expense report for you.
  • The way Gmail detects flight/hotel bookings and puts them in your Calendar.

Anti-Process check list

  1. Requires zero learning to use.
  2. Requires zero time to use.
  3. Impossible to do incorrectly.

Anti-Processes make it so the process is no longer’ something that you do, and instead it’s something that just gets done.

Make more Anti-Processes!

