New Year, New Release Notes

The Vera Engineering Blog
2 min readJan 8, 2024


Welcome back from the holiday season everyone, and hello, 2024! The Vera team is back to work, and in case you’ve forgotten, we’re on a journey to build in public and keep y’all updated as we scale the platform. Today, we’ve got a few nifty new features from two(!!) holiday-time releases (23.4.7 & 24.1.1) to to show off…

Let’s get to it.

Chat History

If you’ve been enjoying the Vera platform, you’re already aware that it provides a cost-optimizing, policy-conforming ChatGPT-like experience. You may have also noticed something missing… a chat history!

Well, look no further. Chat History is here. Now you can look back in time to find out what your model(s) of choice have replied to previous queries, whether or not you’re a Swiftie yourself.

Routing Evaluations & Measurement

For those of you using AI in your client-facing product, you’ll be happy to know that we’ve leveled up our game in some important model routing categories, using the latest and greatest LLM evals in a rapidly evolving scientific field.

That’s all well and good, but your users shouldn’t have to wait for hours just to get prompt replies out to your customer, and model provider response times… *ahem* may vary.

With our latest release, we’re inching ever closer to realtime latency evaluations, testing out actual response times on every model we support (1,400+!) to catch those moments when a service may be down, laggy, or otherwise inappropriate to select as the most useful for the task. We’re not quite there yet, but getting closer with this release.

Vera Demo Enhancements

If you haven’t already tried out the Vera platform yet (it’s REAL, not a Figma diagram lol)… you’re in luck, because we just made it better!

Now every demo starts out with a quick tour of the functionality you’ll see, highlights on the reasons policies were applied, and an explanation of why things look the way they do.

We also added CAPTCHA because, well, tokens ain’t free.

And that’s all for this week folks! After you finish up your demo here, feel free to sign up for the waitlist. And be sure to have a Happy New Year!!

