Growing Up: Release Notes for an Enterprise Era

The Vera Engineering Blog
3 min readApr 25, 2024


It happens to the best of us, you build, you learn, work with customers, and suddenly you need to deliver features that may not be glamorous, but fill in some critical gaps.

This release, we’ve added some sparkle in addition to the enterprise feature-set we’ll announce today, but first, let’s have a tour of the enterprise maturity our team’s been working so hard to build. Starting with…

Dark Mode!

You’re welcome. :D

New Enterprise Features

Encryption Everywhere

Every day we get closer to our official security certifications (SOC1/2, etc.), and managing our own encryption keys was a crucial part. For enterprise clients, all data transmitted to Vera is now encrypted in transit, and at rest.

Single Sign On

We also know that SSO is a table-stakes feature for our larger client base, and we’re happy to oblige. We can now support your company’s unique SSO requirements through the enterprise tier.

Logs & Conversation Export

Data portability isn’t just a nice-to-have for many user populations, and now with one click, you can download historical conversations to CSV.


Although we may not love to get them, some policy violations require more attention than others. They may even require immediate intervention, especially if they contain criminal intent. Now, these policy violations will trigger custom alerts for your team, emailed directly to you.

Quality of Life Upgrades

Detailed Chat Policy UI

For admins, we can now show you in the app the reason why we’ve blocked a certain kind of speech. Take a look and see what we mean…

Of course, depending on your security posture, you might not always want users to be able to see why something wasn’t allowed to pass through your filters. This functionality can be toggled off or on, according to your preferences.

Maturing Our Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) Toolkit

With this release, we’ve made it even easier to access information that’s trapped inside a document, even if that document is a dreaded PDF. Teams can now upload docs to the new “Artifacts” tab in our admin UI, and grant access to those docs as appropriate.

And with this latest version of Vera, you’ll receive all this plus reduced latency, fewer bugs, and a team that’s eager to hear your feedback. If you have any, get in touch!

