Mastering Caching in Android: Boost Your App’s Performance with Ease

Aadithya Balaji
4 min readJul 4, 2024


Caching is one of the most effective techniques to improve the performance of your Android app. By temporarily storing data, caching reduces the need to fetch data repeatedly from the network or disk, leading to faster load times and a smoother user experience. In this blog, we’ll explore what caching is, why it’s important, and how you can implement it in your Android app with a real-time example.

What is Caching?

Caching involves storing data in a temporary storage area (cache) to quickly retrieve it when needed. Instead of making repeated network calls or reading from disk, an app can access the cached data, which is faster and more efficient.

Why is Caching Important?

1. Improves Performance: By reducing the number of network requests or disk reads, caching makes your app faster and more responsive.

2. Enhances User Experience: Users expect instant data retrieval. Caching ensures that data is available quickly, providing a seamless experience.

3. Reduces Network Usage: Caching helps in reducing the load on the network, which can be particularly beneficial for users with limited data plans or slow internet connections.

4. Battery Efficiency: Reduced network requests mean lower battery consumption, as network operations are typically power-intensive.

How Caching Can Improve App Performance: A Real-Time Example

Let’s take an example of a popular app like Instagram. Instagram uses caching extensively to enhance performance and provide a smooth user experience. When you open Instagram, the app loads images and videos from the cache instead of fetching them from the network every time. This approach reduces load times and ensures that content is displayed quickly, even with a slow or unreliable internet connection.

Implementing Caching in an Android App

We’ll use Retrofit and OkHttp for network requests and implement caching with OkHttp’s built-in cache feature.

Step 1: Add Dependencies

Add Retrofit and OkHttp dependencies to your build.gradle file:

implementation 'com.squareup.retrofit2:retrofit:2.9.0'
implementation 'com.squareup.retrofit2:converter-gson:2.9.0'
implementation 'com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:4.9.1'

Step 2: Set Up OkHttp Cache

Configure OkHttp to use caching:

val cacheSize = 10 * 1024 * 1024 // 10 MB
val cache = Cache(applicationContext.cacheDir, cacheSize)

val okHttpClient = OkHttpClient.Builder()
.addInterceptor { chain ->
var request = chain.request()
request = if (hasNetwork(applicationContext))
request.newBuilder().header("Cache-Control", "public, max-age=" + 60).build()
request.newBuilder().header("Cache-Control", "public, only-if-cached, max-stale=" + 60 * 60 * 24 * 7).build()

Step 3: Create Retrofit Instance

Use the OkHttp client with Retrofit:

val retrofit = Retrofit.Builder()

val apiService = retrofit.create(

Step 4: Define the API Service

Define an interface for the API endpoints:

interface ApiService {
suspend fun getRecentMedia(
@Query("access_token") accessToken: String
): MediaResponse

Step 5: Make the API Call

Fetch media data using the ApiService:

class MediaRepository(private val apiService: ApiService) {

suspend fun getRecentMedia(accessToken: String): MediaResponse {
return apiService.getRecentMedia(accessToken)

Cache Size Considerations

The size of the data that can be cached depends on the cache size you configure. In the example above, we set the cache size to 10 MB. This means that the cached data will occupy up to 10 MB of the device’s storage. When the cache reaches this limit, older cached data will be evicted to make room for new data. It’s important to choose a cache size that balances performance and storage constraints.

Other Caching Libraries for Android

While OkHttp provides a robust solution for network caching, there are other libraries available for different caching needs in Android development. Here are a few popular ones:

1. Glide:

Primarily used for image loading and caching. It’s efficient, easy to use, and supports animated GIFs. Glide automatically caches images to reduce load times.

• Example: Instagram uses Glide to load and cache images, ensuring that scrolling through the feed is smooth and fast.

2. Picasso:

Another powerful image loading and caching library developed by Square. It simplifies the process of loading images into views and provides automatic caching.

• Example: Many social media apps use Picasso to handle image loading and caching, enhancing the user experience by reducing network usage.

3. Room:

An SQLite object mapping library that provides an abstraction layer over SQLite. It’s perfect for caching data that needs to be stored locally for offline access.

• Example: News apps can use Room to cache articles locally, allowing users to read them even when they are offline.

4. DiskLruCache:

A simple library for disk-based caching. It provides a straightforward way to cache key-value pairs on disk.

• Example: Apps that need to cache JSON responses or other data types can use DiskLruCache for efficient storage and retrieval.

5. Firebase Realtime Database:

For real-time data syncing and caching. Firebase caches data locally, so the app remains responsive even when the device is offline.

• Example: Chat applications use Firebase to cache messages locally, ensuring that users can read messages even when there’s no internet connection.


Caching is a fundamental technique for improving the performance and user experience of Android apps. Using the right caching library for the right task can make a significant difference in your app’s responsiveness and efficiency. Whether it’s caching images with Glide or Picasso, storing data with Room, or using DiskLruCache and Firebase for other caching needs, these tools provide robust solutions to common performance challenges.

Start caching today and see your app’s performance soar!

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Aadithya Balaji

Experienced Android Developer with 5 years in crafting intuitive and high performance mobile applications.