Tameable Spiders

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(description pretty much copy paste from CurseForge Page for the Mod)


This Mod is Incompatible with any Mods, Texture or Data Packs that edits the vanilla Spiders..

NeoForge & Forge versions are replicas of Eachother (Mostly)


Bugs Can Be Reported at the Github Page that also has a Wiki & the wiki has the Source Code (kinda).

A Mcreator made mod, that adds a Modded Entity called "Spider" and "Cave Spider" that almost perfectly mimic the Vanilla versions.

Whenever a Vanilla Spider spawns it'll have a chance to be immediately replaced with the tameable variant within a tick. (chance is 33% by default, gamerule is available)

You can tame these Spiders with any Meat (Fish is not Meat)

They can breed and will make a baby variant of the spider at half the normal size and a bigger head. (can be disabled with a gamerule)

The Cave Spider will poison targets it hits, there is a gamerule for is Baby Cave Spiders also poison but it's off by default.

They can sit down (their back end angles downwards) and they have a collar that can be dyed to any color.

They can Be Ridden but lack control without a Saddle.

They have an Inventory with 8 Slots and a Saddle Slot, the inventory will also display their current Health.

They have a Gamerule to allow them to Respawn upon Death, however this is disabled by Default.

This Mod Also Contains 8 Spider Related Advancements.

(this mod was mostly Made by Merging Spider and Wolf Code while adding a little bit of Horse Code as well)


Supported Languages

Language Language Code    Google Translate?
English en_us No
Italian it_it Yes
Korean ko_kr Yes
Chinese zh_cn Yes
Spanish es_es Yes
French fr_fr Yes
Japanese ja_jp Yes
German de_de Yes
Portuguese    pt_pt Yes
Modification files
Tameable Spiders - NeoForge V2.0.5.jar - NeoForge - V2.0.5Uploaded on: 06/29/2024 - 09:16   File size: 360.92 KB
Tameable Spiders - Forge V2.0.6.jar - Forge - V2.0.6Uploaded on: 06/29/2024 - 21:04   File size: 344.9 KB

General Changes

  • Modified Advancement Textures to have Glowing eyes by increasing Brightness.

Spider Changes

  • Definitely Fixed the cause of Despawning Spiders now.
  • Tameable Spiders will now directly use the Loot table of the Spider instead of mimicking it, meaning any mods that edit the Loot from Spiders will also affect the Tameable Spiders now.
  • HomePos is now an Embedded NBT of {X, Y, Z} instead of 3 NBT's for {X, Y, Z}.

Spider Bed Changes

  • Can now Shift Right-Click on a Bed to start manually Assigning it, during this stage you can (without Shifting) Right-Click the bed again to cancel or Right-Click a Spider to attempt Assigning that Spider to the Bed.
  • Fixed Claimed/Unclaimed Text appearing while using a Water Bucket/Bucket to change the Waterlogged State of the Block.
  • Edited Display Settings to be much more similar to the Minecraft Bed.
  • Now Remove any claims upon the Linked Block/Entity Breaking/Dying.
  • Now has 4 Different Web Textures. (Normal, Waterlogged, Claimed, Waterlogged & Claimed)