Nordic Adventure

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Nordic Adventure

a mod Based off of Norse Mythology, Great to put the vibe for Medieval Modpacks! made with MCreator! Scroll down for more info about Nordic adventure.

Also available on curseforge And modrinth!        

Norðic Adventure - Minecraft Mod (


Nordic Adventure - Minecraft Mods - CurseForge






Important stuff:

  • Known bugs

There are a couple of bugs with the mod especially world generation, if you spawn in you may or may not spawn inside or beside a structure, which can be a bit annoying, i will try and fix this issue, but The program i use doesn't allow me to do so yet, aswell as when structures spawn right inside of eachother, which is pretty rare.

  • What is this mod about?

Norðic Adventure adds plenty of new additions such as structures for you to either raid, or make it your new home, but beware, Theres vikings, which ive decided to just be illagers as they fit and almost just seem like vikings themselfs. The mod also has biomes and A bunch of other features which i'll not spoil for you.

  • Recommended mods to be used with/compatibilities:

Its recommended to use Entity culling for the major structures, it works fine without, but some some of the structures have quite a bit of entities, so its recommended to use entity culing, as For ressource packs, its recommended to use Fresh animations, as it enhances some of the mobs i use in game, but like entity culling, it works fine without. Same goes for shaders.

  • Modpack permissions

If you want to put this in your modpack or make a video about it, then if its a video, feel free make a video showcasing or using the mod, just remember to put a link to the video, but if its a modpack, please remind me if you can on discord, my name is "no_cheese".

Less important stuff:

  • i have a great idea for what you should add!

If you have an idea you want to add or if i should rework something or add something Then i am more than happy look at your idea. If you have an idea please join the discord server if you have any bugs, suggestions and whatever you like!, if you dont want to join the discord server and leave a suggestion or have a bug report then you can go to curseforge and leave a comment as of what i know, there isn't any comment section for modrinth. I also have a github Issues place but its mainly only for bugs.

  • What was the mod made with?:

MCreator. MCreator is a well known and easy to use coding program, mcreator lets you make your own mods easily, althougth there are some limits to what you can do, and that there are a couple of bugs, it is easy and well recommended to use, especially as a start for your own mod. MCreator also easily lets you change what version your using, even what Loader, tho the developers can't always just easily do it, a fun fact about MCreator is that its the best coding program besides things like Visual coding studio.

  • Future plans

For the future of the mod, i expect to put this mod down to verisons like 1.19.2 and 1.18.2, or possibly 1.20.6, soon i will also release a giant update with a giant new structure, which will be inhabited by the Actual final boss, Ragnarr. He will also have a custom sword with a special ability and a custom design, the new structure will also be inspired by @trixyblox's world series where he makes giant villages fitting for each biome, i had inspired his viking-like taiga village heavily, expect also the new structure to be even harder then the giant ford, Ragnarr also is extremely hard to defeat with even having a 25 hitting sword with the speed of a sword is extremely hard to kill him, Enjoy this future structure with friends, as this structure is no easy.

Thank you to all of these people! They also make builds and other cool stuff on their channel! so go check em Out!

Music artists music i've used:

Pixabay - 024030_dark forest

you can find there channels here:





@Cryptozoology: some of my structures are inspired by his builds:

Modification files
nordic_structures-1.3.1-forge-1.20.1.jarUploaded on: 06/13/2024 - 20:01   File size: 2.92 MB