Additions 1.5.4 [Forge 1.19.2 / 1.19.4 / 1.20.1 / NeoForge 1.20.4 / 1.20.6]

Supported MCreator versions
Tags / plugin type
Upvotes: 47
About the plugin

This plugin adds some procedures




Added support for MCreator 2024.2



Procedure "Change dimension" can now change a player dimension

Additions for MCreator 2023.4 did not work



This plugin supports Forge 1.19.2 / 1.19.4 / 1.20.1 / NeoForge 1.20.4 / 1.20.6

This plugin supports MCreator 2023.4 or above

MIT License

Plugin downloads
Additions 1.5.4 for MCreator 2024.x - Forge 1.19.2 / 1.19.4 / 1.20.1 / NeoForge 1.20.4 / 1.20.6 - Additions-1.5.4-2024.x-1.19.2-1.19.4-1.20.1-1.20.4-1.20.6.zipUploaded on: 07/16/2024 - 11:07   File size: 157.58 KB
Additions 1.5.4 for MCreator 2023.4 - Forge 1.19.2 / 1.19.4 / 1.20.1 - Additions-1.5.4-2023.4-1.19.2-1.19.4-1.20.1.zipUploaded on: 07/16/2024 - 11:07   File size: 109.09 KB


Finally an plugin that adds a block for checking item cooldowns thank you!

Nice plugin, can it be used to modify the damage output? ex: adding 2 extra damage to the dealing damage before going to armor or calculations

or dealing damage through frame invulnerability?

by the way, i think the fall source damage type is a little incorrect. I have an item that deals 5 damage on teleportation (same as enderpearl) and noticed that the enderpearl dealt ~1 damage when i full netherite armor (boots with Feather Falling IV), but my item dealt ~0.5 damage. not a big deal, just thought i'd let you know

Oh my GOD your plugin helps so much with dealing damage and also having armor protect u, plus basically everything else. THANK YOU!!

Hello. You've most probably have answered this question a lot of times, but what do Damage Sources allow you to do that you weren't able of doing before?
And I wanted to also know about the modifiers, like: Which ones increase, decrease or change in some way the damage?

With Damage Sources you can make your own Damage Source for example. You create a new Mechanic that adds a Gas that damage you if you are contact with it but should bypass Armor as well. With this Plugin you can make a Damage Source called Gas that bypass Armor. Also you can add a custom Death Message.

When I try to add damage on top of other damage that already happened, it crashes. If I make it wait 1 tick before dealing the damage it does over and over. Can someone help?

Awesome plugin! Is there a chance you could add procedures to get the damage source of an incoming attack?

Hi! I was wondering if you would allow me to make a PR to add the entity spawn procedure to base mcreator! My discord is Kleiders#9777 if you have any questions about it or if you want to create your own PRs!

Hello! I'm a bit of a simpleton, can you explain how exactly this plugin works and how to use it in-depth?
I know you gave some instructions in the bottom, but I really want to understand how this plugin ticks because the current explanation is too vague for my tiny little head to wrap around. Or I'm too tired. Thanks in advance!