The Strongest

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BETA V0.2 IS OUT!!!!!!

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Almost infinite years ago, five Omnipotent beings created the omniverse, and started everything. New dimensions, universes, multiverses, creatures, and Bosses...

This mod aims to add new bosses, that have unimaginable levels of power. Wither? Ender dragon? No, something much more... Much more powerful...

"Your journey has finally reached its peak, hasn't it? Full netherite, enchanted netherite swords and axes... Enchanted apples... Totems... Perhaps you've slayed the Ender Dragon, and the Wither? Maybe even the Pillager raid. You might've already explored the depths of the ocean, and encountered an elder guardian, or found a village and defeated the Iron Golem. Maybe even found the elytra, and now you fly around freely in the infinite, vast overworld, nether and end? However, after reaching the peak of power... It's only a matter of time before you begin to feel "depression" and "boredom". Having nothing left to challenge you. Having done everything the world has to offer. Having found everything in this universe... Wait a minute. Who said there was only one universe? Who said there were only three dimensions? Who placed these limits, onto the omniverse that you live in? Exactly. Nothing is stopping you anymore. Break the limits. Explore the Multiverse. Explore the Omniverse. The Ender dragon? The wither? No, that's just child's play in the omniverse. No matter how strong you are, or how smart you are in your universe, there is always a being that can top you. I challenge you, player. Enter the Gateway. Enter the Cosmic Dimension. Find the Abyss. Slay the new monsters and bosses that await in the universe. Defeat the Omnipotent beings... And reach the peak of power, once again. Today, player... I challenge you... To become... The strongest."


  1. This mod is now discontinued. I'm working on a (hopefully) much better mod with more adventure, and maybe a little less overpowered and buggy bosses lol.
  2. The final version has finished a standardised system for hp and damage. It is independent of regular minecraft hp, and it's still buggy, but it works well enough. Check out this project to see how I did it/use it yourself (1.20):
  3. I made this mod a very long time ago. I understand there's lots of flaws (especially with the glitches lol), but it's discontinued. If you have suggestions, you can still ask, and I'll consider implementing it in my next (and maybe last) mod.

This mod, despite being 1.18, will break many limits of minecraft that you previously thought was impossible! This mod will break HP limits (Past 1024, past 2 billion, past googol, you name the number!), OBJ model size limits (Seriously. I made a "Giant Sword" that's bigger than the 48x48x32 limit.), damage limits (Past 128000, 2 billion, past googol, you name it!), and it also features custom bossbars (I can make any texture!), custom reach for some weapons and items (Imagine 300 block reach.), giant bosses with almost no lag (Imagine a mob the size of Mount Everest. Or a planet. Or a star. Or a galaxy. Maybe even the universe.), and many more things!


The Bosses of this new mod are split into a few tiers:

Omnipotent Tier- Are unkillable with regular weapons, completely invincible, and can only be damaged by infinity weapons (Weapons capable of doing almost anything), these bosses can destroy entire dimensions. No, like seriously. If your screen turns completely yellow, that's the explosion you're seeing. And then you'll die. And respawn in another dimension, and you will never be able to access that dimension again. Unless an omnipotent boss brings back that dimension. These mobs cannot even be /killed, or despawned, as they will just come back. They can travel through dimensions freely, create and destroy dimensions.

God Tier- These mobs are able to destroy biomes in the blink of an eye, have hundreds of thousands, if not, millions and even billions of hp, and can only be hurt by the most powerful weapons and mobs.

Top Tier- These mobs can destroy temples, outposts, villages, and maybe biomes without too much problem. Being extremely powerful, these mobs have tens of thousands of hp and are tough to beat.

High Tier- These mobs can destroy houses, temples, outposts and maybe villages. These mobs have thousands of hp, and deal thousands of damage.

Mid Tier- These mobs can produce damage levels ranging anywhere from TNT to temples, maybe even outposts. They have a few thousand damage, and deal a lot of damage.

Low Tier- These mobs, even though at low tier, are still stronger than the ender dragon and wither. They can do up to village house level destruction, and deal decent damage.

Bottom Tier- This is the weakest tier of bosses, and is where mobs such as the wither or ender dragon are.


Here's a brief description of all the bosses in the game. Most mobs have custom powers and abilities, SPOILERS AHEAD:


NAMES OF ALL BOSSES (From strongest to weakest) (outdated, there's a few more now):



Transcendent God/Transcendent Soul (Infinite omnipotent hp) (infinite hp)

Omnipotent God (1.0e10000000001 omnipotent hp) (infinite hp)

Wither God (250e3003hp) (infinite hp)

Ancient Guardian (400e100hp) (infinite hp)

The World Ender (500 Undecillion hp) (infinite hp)



Kelenus (Grows from a few thousand hp~2.17 billion hp)

Katastrofi, The giant dragon (2 billion hp)

Monumental Enderman (1 billion hp)

Omnipotent King (4001024hp)

Omnipotent Queen (3601023hp)

God (1601024hp)

The Cosmic Ruler (1601023hp)

The Dimensional Sealer (1251023hp)

Omega Iron Golem (1001024hp)

Hypergiant Slime (101024hp)



Hellish Blaze (30000hp)

Storm Creeper (20000hp)

Tremendous Zombie (20000hp)

Gargantuan Silverfish (17502hp)

Huge Endermite (17500hp)

Sea King (15000hp)



Ultra Soul Blaze (9996hp)

Ultra Blaze (8500hp)

Sky Dragon (8000hp)

The Elemental (7000hp)

The Lost Soul (6000hp)



Earth Elemental (5000hp)

Fire Elemental (4000hp)

Water Elemental (3000hp)

Lightning Elemental (2500hp)

Ice Elemental (2250hp)



Ender Golem (2000hp)

Nether Golem (1900hp)

Diamond Golem (1750hp)

Glow Golem (1500hp)

Supergiant Slime (1032hp)



Cosmic Guard (1001hp)

Nether Dragon (800hp)

Dimensional Guard (750hp)

Spider Queen (500hp)

Galactic Guard (101hp)


Giant Slime (100hp)

Super big Slime (50hp)







There are currently 16 mythical tier bosses (God tier and Omnipotent tier), and you can call these the “endgame” bosses. These bosses can compete with the strongest bosses in all of modded minecraft. Here are some of the images:



The battle against this slime is extremely difficult. With 100,000hp, the Hypergiant Slime is barely in the God-Tier. This slime looks different to normal slimes because of both the size, and the ability to glow. One jump will create big explosions, and upon defeating this giant creature, it will split. It will split into supergiant slimes, each one having 1032hp. After defeating supergiant slimes, they will split into giant slimes (100hp), super big slimes (50hp), big slimes, normal slimes, then small slimes. The boss battle will take a long time, unless you have the Giant Sword awakened.



The 4th biggest being in all of creation, the Omega Iron Golem is 1 billion times the size of a regular iron golem. It has 1 million hp, and can destroy biomes and summon iron golems at will.



The Dimensional Sealer is a multi-dimensional being, with the ability to seal powers from mobs. Inside his forcefield, there will be constant destruction everywhere, and your attacks will become much weaker and slower, due to the Dimensional Sealer’s effect. This boss has 1.25 million hp.



The cosmic ruler is the ruler of many universes, and can destroy biomes with ease. The power level of this boss is almost the same as God’s power level, with 1601023hp, this loses to God by 1hp.



After the omnipotent beings created the omniverse, God created our multiverse. God is a powerful being with 1601024 million hp, barely beating the Cosmic Ruler by 1hp.



The Omnipotent Queen has 3.6 million hp, and is very hard to defeat. Even without a weapon like the Omnipotent King, she can deal almost the same amount of damage.



With his omega trident, almost no being can stop him. He surpasses even the Omnipotent Queen, with over 4 million hp.



The Monumental Enderman has 1 billion hp, which is almost as much as Katastrofi and Kelenus. On top of that, you cannot even begin hurting this boss until you have destroyed the many end crystals around it. The Monumenta enderman can teleport, and deal crazy amounts of damage to both mobs and the environment.



Katastrofi is one of the largest dragons in existence, second only to the Final Dragon. Katastrofi shoots giant fireballs, blows up biomes, and is a very tough boss to fight, even being able to battle Kelenus at full power. Katastrofi has 2 billion hp.



Kelenus is a boss that’ll start with 12500hp and a tiny cube. However, this boss, having the ability to grow, will eventually become one of the most powerful bosses in this mod, with 2.14 billion hp, and destruction levels scaling to multiple biomes.



The World Ender is the weakest boss in the Omnipotent Tier. However, he should not be underestimated. Having the ability to destroy dimensions, this boss is a living star. All who are even near the World Ender will burn, and the World Ender is even bigger than Stephenson 2-18, the biggest known star in our observable universe. This puts him at the second biggest boss in all of minecraft, with the Transcendent God being 1st, being the size of our universe. The World Ender has 500 Undecillion hp. The World Ender's hp is Countable Infinity, but almost uncountable infinity.



The Ancient Guardian is the Great Protector of the omniverse, and has the ability to destroy dimensions and universes. Having 400e100 hp, this boss is guaranteed to be the 4th strongest boss you’ll ever see in all of minecraft, with the 3rd strongest being the Wither God, 2nd being the Omnipotent God and 1st being the Transcendent Soul/Transcendent God. The Ancient Guardian's power level is barely Uncountable Infinity.


Being the Great God of Death, the Wither God is one of the three beings in the omniverse along with the Omnipotent God and Transcendent God, to be able to destroy all of creation. Not only that, the wither god has a crazy amount of hp, that far surpasses the Ancient Guardian. The Wither God has 250e3003hp. The Final Form of the Wither God's power level is barely Absolute Infinity.



The Omnipotent God is guaranteed to be the second strongest boss you’ll ever meet. Having 10e1000000000hp and unbelievable amounts of attack damage, a fight against this boss will result in the destruction of several dimensions, and maybe even the entire omniverse. The Omnipotent God's power level is almost above Absolute Infinity, and is nearing the power level of the Transcendent Soul, however, nowhere near the Transcendent God.



This boss is guaranteed to be the strongest boss in this boss, being able to destroy all of creation at will. In full release V1, a boss fight against the Transcendent God will result in you having to fight him in the middle of nowhere, as all universes would’ve been destroyed. You cannot scale the power level of the Transcendent God. If you try and put the Transcendent God into the VS Battle Tiering system, he will be above Tier 0. If you try and scale the Transcendent God's destructive power, it is more than infinitely beyond omniversal. Trying to scale the Transcendent God's attack damage is also impossible, as it is beyond Absolute Infinity. The Transcendent God is also the biggest boss in this mod, being bigger than our observable universe.


These bosses will be buffed in full release V1:

Hypergiant slime will now have 1 million hp.

Omega Iron Golem will now have 6 million hp.

Dimensional Sealer will now have 50 million hp.

The Cosmic ruler will now have 100 million hp.

God will now have 110 million hp.

The Omnipotent Queen will now have 360 million hp.

The Omnipotent King will now have 400 million hp.

The Wither God will have a “Final Form”, with an extra 270e3003 hp.

The Omnipotent God will have 10e10000000000 hp.


New tier will be added: Nigh Omnipotent, with these new bosses:

Deneb (3 Septillion hp)

Pollux (20 Septillion hp)

Sagittarius (140 Septillion hp)

Andromeda (1 Octillion hp)


This is it for the bosses so far, leave suggestions and bugs in the comments!


Ore description:

Omega: This can be found in the overworld. In each chunk, there is one omega ore.

Abyssal: This can be found in the Abyss. It is quite rare even there, but finding it may be very useful.

Godly: This can be found in the Celestial Dimension. It is quite rare even there, and hard to even enter the Celestial Dimension, but it can be good for tools and armor.


Dimension description:

The Gateway: A dimension created by the Ancient Guardian and Dimensional Sealer, this dimension is the gateway to any universe and dimension, in the omniverse. This dimension uses the Higgs boson, and charges it up using a penteract causing it to quantum tunnel. The energy produced from this can charge up any being, and send them anywhere in the omniverse. This is only doable with beings that are beyond the seventh dimension. Not yet accessible, but soon will be in survival mode! You can use Multi Dimensional Matter to create the portal, and light it with the “Gateway Opener”


The Cosmic Dimension: A dimension that the Cosmic Ruler spent years creating… Thousands of years. Through crazy amounts of power, the Cosmic Ruler created a miniature multiverse. Each island you see, each star cluster you see in this place… Is a tiny universe. Not yet accessible, but soon will be in survival mode! As of beta V1, you need amethyst to build the portal, and light it with the Cosmic Dimension portal igniter.


The Celestial Dimension: A heavenly dimension said to be the exact opposite of the nether. Not yet accessible, but soon will be in survival mode! As of beta V1, you use the star cluster block, and ignite it using the Celestial Dimension portal igniter.


The Abyss: A dark world where all monstrous creatures are kept… Do not awaken these omnipotent beings here… They will only cause destruction, and destroy even the bedrock terrain in this world. Not yet accessible, but soon will be in survival mode! Use the Omega Block to build the portal, and ignite it using the Abyss portal igniter.


THE FIRST: The first universe to have ever existed in the Omniverse. This is where the Transcendent Soul used to roam, until they were sealed into the Abyss. A mystical dimension that could make you powerful, however, too much greed may lead to something terrible…


New armour:


Cosmic Armour, Multidimensional Armour, Omega Armour, Abyssal Armour, Godly Armour, Omnipotent Armour


New toolsets:

Cosmic Toolset, Multidimensional toolset, Omega toolset, Abyssal toolset, Godly toolset, Infinity Toolset, Flaming toolset, icy toolset


Other tools and weapons:

Superfast pickaxe- A fast pickaxe made from multiple powerful pickaxes, and the first step towards finding the Omega ore!


Giant Sword- Said to have power over ten times that of the Infinity sword, this sword must be awakened before it can truly be useful. With a 300 block reach and splash damage, as well as 30 billion damage… How do you awaken it, you ask? Experience points. Lots of it.


Omniversal Blade- A blade that was made to counter the World Ender, an omnipotent being. The Omniversal Blade is capable of dealing 1 Undecillion damage, enough to hurt the World Ender.


Boundless Blade- A powerful blade forged from the energy of multiple big crunches, and tons of dark energy, an entire multiverse resides in this powerful blade. It is capable of dealing googol damage, which can even hurt the Ancient Guardian himself.


Millia sword- The most powerful sword in the Multiverse, this sword is capable of dealing 1 milliatillon damage per hit. What’s that in numbers, you ask? 1 followed by 3003 zeroes. Incredible, isn’t it? This powerful sword has a mass of infinity, and will grant you xp for each tick that you hold it. There are many tiny but dense yellow electron stars orbiting it, charging it up for battle. It uses the higgs field to its advantage, increasing mass when it hits a mob, ultimately making each hit extremely heavy. Imagine an entire Multiverse crashing down on you. This is capable of even hurting the Wither God, the strongest colossal in the Omniverse, and an omnipotent being.


The Seal of unimaginable power- This has no use yet, but soon will.


Transcendent Bow- Imagine the most powerful bow you have ever held. And multiply that by a million to get this. Being able to shoot massive, blue fireballs, these fireballs will leave giant explosions as its trail. Best thing is, it can deal tens of thousands of damage, creating massive explosions on impact.


Icy Bow- An icy mythical bow that leaves a trail of snow, this bow requires no arrow to shoot. Enchanted by Ultra Ice, this bow will create small blizzards on impact, and deal heavy damage.


Flaming Bow- A flaming mythical bow that explodes on impact, this bow requires no arrow to shoot. Enchanted by Ultra flames, this bow will create a cube of lava, and explode on impact, as well as dealing good amounts of damage.




Make the strongest mob-Success!!! (Transcendent God, soon tied with The Author)

Make the largest mob-Success!!! (Transcendent God, soon to be overtaken by The Box)

10 Downloads-Success!!!

100 Downloads-Success!!!

500 Downloads-I know we can do it, At this stage, I might make tons of new content and start uploading videos on this mod

1000 Downloads-We can achieve this guys

5000 Downloads-Come on, so close (Ok not that close)

10000 Downloads-This is definitely possible

30000 Downloads-My witherstorm mod could reach this, so could this mod!

50000 Downloads-Let's do this, just a bit more waiting

100000 Downloads-It'll be crazy if this happens lol

1000000 Downloads-The ultimate goal

7800000000-I mean, it's possible...?

1000000000000-Please fine extraterrestrial life lol, or spam bots

Start a wiki-Success!!!

5 pages on the wiki-Success!!!

50 pages on the wiki-Dunno if this mod is even gonna get that popular lol

500 pages on the wiki-Do I even have enough content to do this?

Start a discord server-Success!!!

3 members (Excluding bots)-Success!!!

10 members (Excluding bots)-Almost there!

50 members (Excluding bots)-Nice community

100 members (Excluding bots)-This would be a large community

1000 members (Excluding bots)-Come on, we can do this!


Join the discord:

Modification files
The Strongest- Alpha pre-release.jar - The Alpha release of the mod.Uploaded on: 06/22/2022 - 13:56   File size: 5.24 MB
The Strongest Beta V1.jar - The Beta release of the mod. More content than Alpha V1!Uploaded on: 07/04/2022 - 12:55   File size: 8.91 MB
The Strongest Final version (discontinued).jar - Discontinued, but this is the last version of the mod. Fixed a few issues, and finished hp system.Uploaded on: 07/02/2024 - 10:02   File size: 14.21 MB
Infinite exploration update alpha 0.1 (1).jar - Adds many new dimensions and worlds.Uploaded on: 07/02/2024 - 10:04   File size: 5.22 MB

V0.1 : Public release

V0.2: Beta release: New Bosses, new weapons and armour, maybe new dimensions and biomes, new structures and better survival support


V1.0 Full release: Bugfixes and minor improvements, new bosses, weapons, armour, dimensions and better survival support

V1.1 Alpha release: New bosses, better survival support, minor improvements, maybe new weapon

V1.2 Beta release: Bugfixes, new bosses, better survival support, new items and better survival support

V2.0 Full release: Bugfixes, new boss and full survival support

V2.1 Alpha release: Bugfixes, New weapon, new bosses, maybe more stuff

V2.2 Beta release: New stuff

V3.0 Full release: ???

how did you make your tolls deal so much damage and how did your bosse have so much hp(if you could could you explain or tell how to do it)

can i have a .mcreator file acess for my server since i really dont understand how to make my mobs to googols to 10e1000 or whatever so please can i have .mcreator file acess for this mod?

In my opinion this mod would be better if there was something like guide book because some things are unclear like: summoning bosses, how to kill them and how to actually survive one of their "set health to 0" attacks. Im not here to tell you what to do and I understand that making 3d models is not the easiest thing to do but I felt kinda dissapointed when giant blade was basically 3 blocks model. The last thing I think you should work on is balancing because things like millia compared to tools from literal command block (crackers wither storm mod) is like materialized /kill command, dont get me wrong because most of the bosses from your mod have googoplex health and without these kind of weapons they would be too overpowered but I think gap between minecraft weapons and weapons from your mod is too large.

Idea is good but you can make it even better, have a nice day and I wish you good luck in your modding, modelling and texturing expirience!

Yeah. Currently, you can't summon many bosses, and the only ones you can actually fight in survival mode are just the Sea King, glow golem, diamond golem, nether golem and ender golem. I might add a guidebook like you said, or explain in detail once the features come out. For now, I'm just working on survival support.

Yeah. Currently, you can't summon many bosses, and the only ones you can actually fight in survival mode are just the Sea King, glow golem, diamond golem, nether golem and ender golem. I might add a guidebook like you said, or explain in detail once the features come out. For now, I'm just working on survival support.

Yeah. Currently, you can't summon many bosses, and the only ones you can actually fight in survival mode are just the Sea King, glow golem, diamond golem, nether golem and ender golem. I might add a guidebook like you said, or explain in detail once the features come out. For now, I'm just working on survival support.

Sorry, my comment spammed for some reason. Anyway,
As for the Giant Sword, there isn't much I can actually do about it. The Giant Sword is a sword that breaks OBJ model limits. I mean, in size. It's a lot bigger than what Blockbench is supposed to be able to do, but breaking these limits comes with a cost. I couldn't make very advanced designs, and trying to do so is ridiculously hard, and takes a very long time. Making the giant sword even a little bit longer takes a few minutes, and adding designs to it may take a long time. The Omniversal Blade and Boundless Blade were already the maximum obj model limit size, and the giant sword was made to completely destroy that limit, but the design must be simple. I don't know if it's possible to improve the Giant Sword's texture and model much, but I'll try if I can.

And yeah, I'm slowly working on filling the gap between the Omniversal blade with 1 undecillion damage, and giant sword with 30 billion damage. I'm planning on changing the damage type for omniversal blade and above to "omnipotent damage", which is a damage type specifically for unkillable omnipotent bosses. And, I'm currently thinking of the Legend's greatsword with one septillion damage, which will be like a "halfway point" between regular weapons and omnipotent-slayer weapons. I'm planning to add a lot more weapons in the future, and hopefully that'll fill the gap between vanilla weapons, my custom regular weapons, and infinity weapons.