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Error estimates for projection onto the Wiener chaos expansion for stochastic Sobolev spaces (stochastic Rellich–Kondrachov theorem)

Let $n$ be a positive integer, $s\in \mathbb{R}$, $(\Omega,\mathcal{F},(\mathcal{F}_t)_{t\ge 0},\mathbb{P})$ be a filtered probability space whose filtration supports and is generated by an $n$-...
ABIM's user avatar
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A few questions on Feller processes

Update. Most of my questions have been answered in the comments. I am adding these answers to the post. There are at least three definitions of Feller semigroup and the corresponding processes: $C_0 \...
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If $(\kappa_t)_{t\ge0}$ is a Markov semigroup with invariant measure $μ$, under which assumption is $t\mapsto\kappa_tf$ measurable for $f\in L^p(μ)$?

Let $(E,\mathcal E)$ be a measurable space; $(\kappa_t)_{t\ge0}$ be a Markov semigroup on $(E,\mathcal E)$; $\mu$ be a finite measure on $(E,\mathcal E)$ which is subinvariant with respect to $(\...
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Is there a way to detect instantaneous states of a Feller Process from its infinitesimal generator?

I’m working with generators of Feller processes. If $C(E)$ is the space of continuous functions over $E$; with $E$ a compact metric space, I proved that an operator $G$ over $C(E)$ is the ...
Uriel Herrera's user avatar
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Infinitesimal generator of a Markov process acting on a measure

Short version: The transition operator of a Markov process can act on measures (on the left) or functions (on the right). The infinitesimal generator acts on functions. Is there a way to understand ...
Ziv's user avatar
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Equivalent of a local limit theorem in the large deviation region and asymptotics of a convolution operator

Let $\{X_i \}_{i \in \mathbb{N}}$ be a sequence of i.i.d. random variables satisfying $\mathbb{E} X_1 = 0$ and $\mathbb{E} X_1 ^2 < \infty$. Assume that $\{S_n  \}_{n \in \mathbb{N}}$ is a non-...
Viktor B's user avatar
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Exponential decay of Fisher information along the OU semigroup

I read from a paper that there is a "well-known" exponential decay of Fisher information along the OU semigroup, that is $$J(\nu^t\mid\gamma)\leq e^{-2t}J(\nu\mid\gamma),$$ where $\gamma$ is ...
MikeG's user avatar
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Ornstein-Ulhenbeck like semigroup for the orthogonal group with a hypercontractive inequality

I am looking for an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck like semigroup $P_t$ and associated generator $\mathcal{L}$ on $G = \operatorname{SO}(n)$ or $\operatorname{O}(n)$ that has a hypercontractive inequality with a ...
arjun's user avatar
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Independence of variables predicted by the generator

Let $X$ be en compact metric set, and denote by $\mathcal{C}(X)$ the set of real continuous functions defined on $X$, endowed with the supremum norm $\|\cdot\|_{\infty}$. Let $\Omega$ be the generator ...
G. Panel's user avatar
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Asymptotic formula for fractional Laplacian

For the solution of $$ \begin{cases} \lambda u^\epsilon - \frac{\epsilon^2}{2} \Delta u^\epsilon = 0 &\text{in } \Omega \\ u^\epsilon=1 & \text{on } \partial \Omega \end{cases} $$ Varadhan ...
Jun's user avatar
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Is a linear combination of Markov generator a Markov generator?

Let $X$ be a compact metric set and $\mathcal{C}(X)$ be the set on continuous real functions over $X$ endowed with the supremum norm $\|\cdot\|_{\infty}$. Let $\Omega_1$ and $\Omega_2$ be two Markov ...
G. Panel's user avatar
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Conservation of the Feller property after passage to the limit

Let $K\subset\mathbb{R}^d$ $(d\geq 1)$ be a compact set, $(D,\|\cdot\|_{\infty)}$ be the set of continuous functions form $[0,1]$ to $K$ endowed with the topology of the supremum norm, and $\mathcal{C}...
G. Panel's user avatar
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Generator of a Hilbert space valued Wiener process from the solution of a martingale problem

Let $H$ be a separable $\mathbb R$-Hilbert space, $Q\in\mathfrak L(U)$ be nonnegative and self-adjoint with $\operatorname{tr}Q<\infty$ and $(W_t)_{t\ge0}$ be a $H$-valued Wiener process on a ...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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Poisson-like random walk expressed as Bernoulli-like random walks (splitting scheme)

In our problem we have the transition density for $x,y\in \mathbb{Z}$ and $t\in \mathbb{N}$ $$R_{t}(x,y):=e^{-t}\frac{t^{x-y}}{(x-y)!}1_{x\geq y},$$ which is the Poisson distribution pdf. (This is ...
Thomas Kojar's user avatar
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Semigroup theory for non-symmetric Markov processes / complex-valued potentials

Let $X$ be a continuous-time Markov process on a countable state space $E$, and let $V:E\mapsto\mathbb C$ be some complex function. $X$ can be characterized by its transition rates $(\lambda_{xy})_{x,...
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