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Parabolic regularity for weak solution with $L^2$ data

I want to study the regularity of weak solutions $u\in C([0,T];L^2(\Omega))\cap H^1((0,T);L^2(\Omega))\cap L^2(0,T;H^1(\Omega))$ of the heat equation with Neumann boundary conditions: $$\begin{cases}\...
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$L^{\infty}$ estimate for heat equation with $L^2$ initial data

Is there a way to show in a relatively simple manner that for a Lipschitz bounded, connected, open domain $\Omega\subset\mathbb{R}^N$ for any $f\in L^2(\Omega)$ the solution of the problem: $$\begin{...
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Convergence of Solutions of Integral Equations with Weakly Converging Forcing Terms

Let $\Omega$ be a bounded interval of $\mathbb{R}$ and let $y\in L^\infty(\Omega \times (0,T))$ be a mild solution of the integral equation $$ y(\cdot,t)=S(t) y_0+\int_0^t S(t-s) \left[u(\cdot,s)y(...
elmas's user avatar
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Solution to $u_t = A(t)u + f(t)$ on bounded domain

I am dealing with the problem \begin{align}u_t &= \nabla \cdot (a(x,t) \nabla u) + f(x,t) &\text{ on } \Omega \times (0,T)\\ \partial_{\nu} u &= 0 &\text{ on } \partial \Omega \...
Maschadi's user avatar
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Are there results that relate the restriction of the heat semigroup in $\mathbb{R}^n$ and the semigroup in a domain?

I'm thinking about the following situation:0 suppose that $$ S_{\Omega}(t)f = \int_{\Omega} K_{\Omega}(x,y,t)f(y)dy $$ where $K_\Omega(x,y ,t)$ is the Dirichlet heat kernel in the domain $\Omega$. It ...
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Periodic solution for linear parabolic equation - existence, regularity

I am interested in proving the existence and regularity of solution to the following problem: $$\begin{cases} \dfrac{\partial y}{\partial t}(t,x)-\Delta y(t,x)+c(t,x)y(t,x)=f(t,x), & (t,x)\in (0,T)...
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Strong positivity of Neumann Laplacian

There are many places in the literature where the positivity of some semigroups is treated. However I did not know anyone which states and proves the strong positivity even for the basic semigroups ...
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How was this heat semigroup estimate made in a paper on reaction–diffusion systems?

In Yamauchi - Blow-up results for a reaction–diffusion system, in the proof of Lemma 3.3, there is the passage $$S(t-s)|x|^{\sigma/1-k} \geq C_1(t-s)^{\sigma/2(1-k)}.$$ Here $S(t)$ denotes the heat ...
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Is there any class of initial data for which the heat semigroup is increasing in time?

Lee and Ni proved in the paper Global existence, large time behavior and life span of solutions of semi linear parabolic Cauchy problem that the heat semigroup decays as $t$ tends to infinity, that is ...
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Gradient $L^\infty$-estimate for heat equation with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition

$\Omega\subset \mathbb{R}^N$ is a bounded smooth domain. Consider the homogeneous heat equation with zero boundary condition in $\Omega$ \begin{cases} \partial_t u-\Delta u=0 \quad(x,t)\in \Omega\...
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Contractivity of Neumann Laplacian

I have an intriguing and probably simple question: reading the articles and books of Wolfgang Arendt on semigroups of linear operators, I found on many places properties of the Neumann Laplacian. In ...
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Results about Schrödinger equations

Does anyone know any paper or book that deals with Schrodinger equations, specifically on asymptotic properties like blowup or limitation of solution when time goes to infinity using Schrödinger ...
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Existence and uniqueness for fractional parabolic equation with transport term

Let us consider the problem \begin{equation} \begin{cases} u_t+(-\Delta)^{\sigma}u+\mathrm{div}(a(t,x)u) = 0 & \text{in } \mathbb{R}^n \times [0, T) \\ u(x,0)=u_0(x) & \text{in } \...
user173196's user avatar
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Spectrum of an elliptic operator in divergence form with a reflecting boundary condition

Let $\Omega$ be a bounded open domain and $v:\Omega\to\mathbb{R}^n$. Consider the following elliptic operator in divergence form, defined on smooth functions $u: \Omega \to \mathbb{R}$ \begin{align} L ...
Mr_Rabbit's user avatar
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Neumann/Robin Laplacian semigroup well-known estimate

Let $\Delta_R:D(\Delta_R)\to L^2(\Omega)$ the Robin Laplacian defined on: $$D(\Delta_R)=\left\{u\in H^1(\Omega)\ \big |\ \Delta u\in L^2(\Omega),\ \dfrac{\partial u}{\partial\nu}+bu=0 \ \text{on}\ \...
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