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7 votes
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Relation beween Chern-Simons and WZW levels, and transgression

3d Chern-Simons gauge theories based on a Lie group $G$ are classified by an element $k_{CS}\in H^4(BG,\mathbb{Z})$, its level. Via the CS/WZW correspondence the theory is related with a 2d non-linear ...
Andrea Antinucci's user avatar
6 votes
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Cohomology of $\mathrm{BPSO}(2d)$ with $Z_2$ coefficients

$\DeclareMathOperator\BPSO{BPSO}\DeclareMathOperator\PSO{PSO}\DeclareMathOperator\SO{SO}\DeclareMathOperator\BSO{BSO}$The projective group is $\PSO(2d)=\SO(2d)/Z_2$. $\BPSO(2d)$ is the classifying ...
user34104's user avatar
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4 votes
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Low dimensional integral cohomology of $BPSO(4n)$

Toda has calculated the $\mathbb{Z}/2$‐cohomology ring of $BPSO(4n+2)$, and also gave the simple exceptional calculation of the $\mathbb{Z}/2$‐cohomology of $BPSO(4)$, in Hiroshi Toda, Cohomology of ...
David Roberts's user avatar
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Compact $G$-ENR's and Euler characteristic computed with Alexander-Spanier cohomology with compact support

Let $(Z,A)$ a compact ENR pair, then $$\chi(Z)=\chi_c(Z-A)+\chi(A)$$ where $\chi_c$ is the Euler characteristic taken in Alexander-Spanier cohomology with compact support (ENR means euclidean ...
Victor TC's user avatar
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8 votes
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Integral cohomology of compact Lie groups and their classifying spaces

Let $G$ be a compact Lie group and let $BG$ be its classifying space. Let $\gamma\colon \Sigma G \to BG$ be the adjoint map for a natural weak equivalence $G \xrightarrow{\sim} \Omega BG$. Taking ...
Nikolay Konovalov's user avatar
20 votes
3 answers

Integral cohomology of $SU(n)$ - looking for constants

I am interested in explicit generators of the cohomology $H^\bullet(SU(n),\mathbb{Z})$. Let $\omega = g^{-1} dg$ be the Maurer-Cartan form on $SU(n)$. The forms $\alpha_3,\alpha_5,\dots,\alpha_{2n-1}$,...
Jeremy Daniel's user avatar
5 votes
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The mod p cohomologies of classifying spaces of compact Lie groups

I want to do some computation which need the mod p cohomologies of classifying spaces of connected compact Lie groups as input. I need the table for both the simply connected case and the central ...
Zhao Xu-an's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

The fifth k-invariant of BSO(3)

From work of Pontryagin and Whitney, as I understand it, the homotopy 4-type of $BSO(3)$ is $K(\mathbb{Z}/2,2) \times_{K(\mathbb{Z}/4,4)} K(\mathbb{Z},4)$, where the pullback is along the maps $\...
David Roberts's user avatar
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1 vote
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cohomology ring of homogenous manifold

Let $[d_1^{t_1}, \dotsc, d_s^{t_s}]$ be a partition of a positive integer $n$, i.e., $\sum d_r t_r = n$. I want to know the de Rahm cohomology ring of the following types of homogenous spaces : $$ G/H ...
mathuser's user avatar
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8 votes
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Cohomology ring of a fiberwise join

I am very interested in the cohomology ring of the following construction. Let $f: Y\to X$ be a map between (connected) topological spaces. Suppose that the image of the map $f^*:H^*(X) \to H^*(Y)$ is ...
Nikolay Konovalov's user avatar
1 vote
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cohomology of orthogonal group of integers

Let $$ O(\mathbb{Z}^{\oplus k})=GL(\mathbb{Z}^{\oplus k})\cap O(k). $$ What is $$ H^*(BO(\mathbb{Z}^{\oplus k});\mathbb{Z})? $$ If it cannot be computed out, can we get $$ H^*(O(\mathbb{Z}^{\oplus ...
Shiquan Ren's user avatar
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3 votes
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A Comparison between $\pi_{1}$ of cohomology and cohomology of $\pi_{1}$

Let we have a complex of abelian topological or lie groups $$\ldots \to G_{n}\to G_{n+1}\to \ldots$$ such that the image of $G_{n}$ is a closed subgroup of $G_{n+1}$. Then we have a complex of ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
51 votes
2 answers

$H^4(BG,\mathbb Z)$ torsion free for $G$ a connected Lie group

Recently, prompted by considerations in conformal field theory, I was lead to guess that for every compact connected Lie group $G$, the fourth cohomology group of it classifying space is torsion free. ...
André Henriques's user avatar
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The transfer map $H_*(BSO(3))\rightarrow H_*(BO(2))$: reference request

All cohomology and homology will be $Z/2$ coefficient. The restriction map $H^*(BSO(3))\rightarrow H^*(BO(2))$ is well-known to be the inclusion of the Dickson invariant $Z/2[w_2,w_3]$ into the ...
user43326's user avatar
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4 votes
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Cohomology of Projective Classical Lie Groups

Let $G$ be a compact, connected, simply-connected Lie group with centre $Z(G)$, and consider the Lie group $G/Z(G)$. I believe that for $G$ a classical group, the Lie group $G/Z(G)$ is sometimes ...
Peter Crooks's user avatar
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