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What were the "questions unapproachable by other means" w.r.t. $KO$-invariants?

H. Blaine Lawson, Jr. and Marie-Louise Michelsohn, Spin Geometry, (1989), p. xi: ...This formula was to generalize the important [HRR]. ...Atiyah and Singer...produced a globally defined elliptic ...
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When are bundles of odd and even differential forms isomorphic?

Let $M$ be a compact oriented $n$-manifold. Denote $\Omega^k := {\bigwedge}^k T^*M$ the vector bundle of differential $k$-forms, and let $\Omega^{\text{odd}} := \bigoplus_{\text{$k$ odd}} \Omega^k$ ...
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Reference request: $K$-theoretic wrong-way map for a boundary inclusion

Let $W$ be a compact manifold with boundary. Let $i:\partial W\hookrightarrow W$ be the natural inclusion. We have a long exact sequence in complex $K$-theory: $$\ldots\to K^*(\partial W)\xrightarrow{...
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Vector fields on quasi-spheres

In 1962, Adams proved that there do not exist $\rho(n)$ linearly independent vector fields on the sphere $S^{n-1}$, where $\rho(n)$ is the Hurwitz-Radon number. I wonder if this is still true in the ...
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Intuition/idea behind a proof of the splitting principle?

The splitting principle is as follows. Given a vector bundle $E \to X$ with $X$ compact Hausdorff, there is a compact Hausdorff space $F(E)$ and a map $p: F(E) \to X$ such that the induced map $p^*:...
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self-Whitney sum of the canonical vector bundle on Grassmannians

Let $G_{k}(\mathbb{R}^N)$ be the Grassmannian manifold consisting of $k$-subspaces in $\mathbb{R}^N$. There is a canonical $k$-dimensional vector bundle $$ \gamma_{k,N}: \mathbb{R}^k\longrightarrow E(...
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