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extendability of fibre bundles on manifolds with same dimensions

Let $M$ be an $m$-manifold. Let $M'\subseteq M$, where $M'$ is also an $m$-manifold. Let $N$ be an $n$-manifold. Let $N'\subseteq N$, where $N'$ is also an $n$-manifold. Suppose there is fibre ...
Shiquan Ren's user avatar
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Vector bundles over a homotopy-equivalent fibration

I think this question is related to what is known as "obstruction theory", but I'm not very familiar with this field of mathematics, so I am asking here. Let $\pi:N\rightarrow M$ be a smooth ...
Bence Racskó's user avatar
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Relation between the pushback closed form of sphere bundle and the pullback closed form of ball bundle

Let $B$ be a closed oriented $n$-manifold, and $\pi_N:N\to B$ be an oriented $m$-dim ball bundle, i.e. each fiber is an oriented $m$-dim ball(disk) $D^m$. We have a sphere bundle $\pi_\partial:\...
DLIN's user avatar
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Patching up two trivial fibre bundles induces homology equivalence

I was wondering to ask this question may be it's a silly one. I could not prove or disprove it. Let $X,Y$ be smooth connected manifolds. Let $X=X_1\cup X_2$ ($X_i$'s sub-manifold of $X$) and $X_1 \cap ...
tota's user avatar
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When is a diffeomorphism a bundle map?

Let $F\rightarrow E_0 \rightarrow B$ and $F\rightarrow E_1\rightarrow B$ be two smooth fiber bundles. Suppose $E_0$ and $E_1$ are diffeomorphic. What are the obstructions for $E_0$ and $E_1$ to be ...
Kafka91's user avatar
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Defining the cospecialization in topology

Below is an excerpt from part V of Deligne's Étale cohomology - starting points. Let $X$ be a complex analytic variety and $f:X\to D$ a morphism from $X$ to the disk. We denote by $[0,t]$ the ...
Arrow's user avatar
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7 votes
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Foliation of $\mathbb R^n$ by connected compact manifolds

Does there exist a smooth nontrivial fiber bundle $p: F \hookrightarrow \mathbb R^n \to B$ such that $F$ and $B$ are connected manifolds with $F$ compact? "Nontrivial" here means the fiber $F$ is not ...
Totoro's user avatar
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Induced new structures on Poincare dual manifolds

"R. C. Kirby and L. R. Taylor, Pin structures on low-dimensional manifolds (1990)" shows Given a spin structure on $M^3$, the submanifold $\text{PD}(a)$ can be given a natural induced $\text{Pin}^-$...
wonderich's user avatar
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Classification of fibrations for classifying spaces $B^2\mathbb{Z}_2$ and $BSO(2)$ or $BO(2)$

Thanks to a suggestion by @Igor Belegradek, I am interested also in a simpler problem of this earlier question 301523, by knowing what can we say about the classification of fibrations for classifying ...
annie marie cœur's user avatar
11 votes
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Equivariant sections of fiber bundles

One of the fundamental facts in fiber bundle theory is the following result for existence and extension of sections (see Thm. 9 in this paper of Palais, and compare with Thm. 12.2 in Steenrod's book):...
Mohammad Ghomi's user avatar
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Equivalence of Flat Fiber Bundles vs Equivalence of Group Actions on the Fiber

Let's consider all flat fiber bundles with base space $B$ and fiber $F$, where $B$ and $F$ are compact and at least CW-complexes. (perhaps even topological/smooth manifolds if that helps) All those ...
ort96's user avatar
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Triviality of the adjoint and endomorphism bundles

Let $P$ be be a principal bundle over a manifold $M$ with structure group $G$, where $G$ is a Lie group. Let $E = P\times_{\rho} \mathbb{R}^{k}$ be a vector bundle associated to $P$ through a faithful ...
Bilateral's user avatar
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All fiber bundles over $S^2$ extendable to $\mathbb{C}P^\infty$?

I ran into the following sanity check. Is the following statement true? Every smooth fiber bundle (with compact fiber) over $S^2$ can be extended to a smooth fiber bundle over $\mathbb{C}P^\infty$ (...
ZZY's user avatar
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Smoothing a continuous section in 1-jet bundle

Here is a question I encountered when reading the book "Convex Integration Theory by D.Spring". My question lies in the second paragraph to the proof of theorem 4.2($C^{0}$-dense $h$-principle). I ...
Shen's user avatar
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Classification of $O(2)$-bundles in terms of characteristic classes

I had asked this question in stackexchange but there seems to be no consensus in the answer It is well-known that $SO(2)$-principal bundles over a manifold $M$ are topologically characterized by ...
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