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Post Made Community Wiki by Stefan Kohl
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Is Computer Algebracomputer algebra or Symbolic Computationsymbolic computation an active area of research?

I'm interested in doing PhD in Computer Algebracomputer algebra or Symbolic Computation symbolic computation, and was wondering if this is an active area of research? Would this area of research also help me in the transition to industry after my PhD? I'm also based in the USA.

I apologize if this question is kind of "bare", I'm a PhD student at a university that does computer algebra, and I just want to know what I'm getting into. Thanks!

Is Computer Algebra or Symbolic Computation an active area of research?

I'm interested in doing PhD in Computer Algebra or Symbolic Computation , and was wondering if this is an active area of research? Would this area of research also help me in the transition to industry after my PhD? I'm also based in the USA.

I apologize if this question is kind of "bare", I'm a PhD student at a university that does computer algebra, and I just want to know what I'm getting into. Thanks!

Is computer algebra or symbolic computation an active area of research?

I'm interested in doing PhD in computer algebra or symbolic computation, and was wondering if this is an active area of research? Would this area of research also help me in the transition to industry after my PhD? I'm also based in the USA.

I apologize if this question is kind of "bare", I'm a PhD student at a university that does computer algebra, and I just want to know what I'm getting into. Thanks!

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Is Computer Algebra or Symbolic Computation an active area of research?

I'm interested in doing PhD in Computer Algebra or Symbolic Computation , and was wondering if this is an active area of research? Would this area of research also help me in the transition to industry after my PhD? I'm also based in the USA.

I apologize if this question is kind of "bare", I'm a PhD student at a university that does computer algebra, and I just want to know what I'm getting into. Thanks!