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Conway studied the following recurrence relation (OEIS), purportedly studied originally by Hofstadter (of G.E.B. fame):


with initial conditions $a(1)=a(2)=1$.

HC sequence

(image from MathWorld)

Conway was able to show that


He offered a \$10,000 prize to anyone who could discover a value of $k$ such that

$$\left|\frac{a(j)}{j}-\frac12\right|<\frac1{20},\quad j > k$$

Collin Mallows from Bell Labs found $k=3173375556$, 34 days after Conway's initial talk on the sequence, and the prize was awarded by Conway after "adjusting" it to the "intended" value of \$1,000.

(See also this and this.)

Conway caricature

Post Made Community Wiki by J. M. isn't a mathematician