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I recommend:

Vladimir Arnold: Yesterday and Long Ago. This is a very enjoyable and highly interesting collection of anecdotes and historical remarks. The latest Russian edition of this book contains some more chapters.


Richard Hamming: You and Your Research, transcribed and edited by J F Kaiser, reprinted in Tveito et al: Simula Research Laboratory. This is the text of a lecture of Hamming.

I recommend:

Vladimir Arnold: Yesterday and Long Ago. This is a very enjoyable and highly interesting collection of anecdotes and historical remarks. The latest Russian edition of this book contains some more chapters.


Richard Hamming: You and Your Research, transcribed and edited by J F Kaiser, reprinted in Tveito et al: Simula Research Laboratory. This is the text of a lecture of Hamming.

I recommend:

Vladimir Arnold: Yesterday and Long Ago. This is a very enjoyable and highly interesting collection of anecdotes and historical remarks. The latest Russian edition of this book contains some more chapters.

Richard Hamming: You and Your Research, transcribed and edited by J F Kaiser, reprinted in Tveito et al: Simula Research Laboratory. This is the text of a lecture of Hamming.

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Martin Peters
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I recommend:

Vladimir Arnold: Yesterday and Long Ago. This is a very enjoyable and highly interesting collection of anecdotes and historical remarks. The latest Russian edition of this book contains some more chapters.

Richard Hamming: You and Your Research, transcribed and edited by J F Kaiser, reprinted in Tveito et al: Simula Research Laboratory. This is the text of a lecture of Hamming.

Post Made Community Wiki by Martin Peters