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Dan Romik
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The Mathematical Experience by Philip J. Davis and Reuben Hersh is a wonderful book thatcollection of essays on mathematics and on the experiences and culture of mathematicians. Written back in the 1980's, it has extremely insightful discussions of many of the same topics that nowadays are discussed on MO. For example, the essay "The Ideal Mathematician," which describes a hypothetical "ideal" mathematician working on the made-up area of "non-Riemannian hypersquares" is absolutely hilarious. Highly recommended!

The Mathematical Experience by Philip J. Davis and Reuben Hersh is a wonderful book that has extremely insightful discussions of many of the same topics that nowadays are discussed on MO. Highly recommended!

The Mathematical Experience by Philip J. Davis and Reuben Hersh is a wonderful collection of essays on mathematics and on the experiences and culture of mathematicians. Written back in the 1980's, it has extremely insightful discussions of many of the same topics that nowadays are discussed on MO. For example, the essay "The Ideal Mathematician," which describes a hypothetical "ideal" mathematician working on the made-up area of "non-Riemannian hypersquares" is absolutely hilarious. Highly recommended!

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Dan Romik
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The Mathematical Experience by Philip J. Davis and Reuben Hersh is a wonderful book that has extremely insightful discussions of many of the same topics that nowadays are discussed on MO. Highly recommended!

Post Made Community Wiki by Dan Romik