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Dr. belisarius
  • Member for 12 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than 7 years ago
98 votes

Help find a bright object on Mars!

80 votes

What does # mean in Mathematica?

68 votes

How to ask Mathematica to imitate Andy Warhol's pop-art painting?

59 votes

Changing color of an object in an image

53 votes

How to find circular objects in an image?

53 votes

Animating logo

51 votes

Performance tuning in Mathematica?

51 votes

How to draw a spring?

47 votes

Is it possible to draw this figure using Mathematica?

46 votes

Marking points of intersection between two curves

42 votes

Finding a function that fits the shape of an image

40 votes

How can I mark each of several plots with a parameter that identifies it?

38 votes

Visual representation of a Ranking over time (image provided)

32 votes

Reconstruct a graph from an image (curved edges and edge crossings)

31 votes

How could I add arrows to the axis of a figure?

30 votes

Plotting Error Bars on a Log Scale

30 votes

Tiling a square

30 votes

How can I create a fountain effect?

29 votes

How can I collect data for visualization of quick sort?

29 votes

How to map an image to get an illusion of 3D

28 votes

How to make a pie chart using custom image

28 votes

Is there a Mathematica barcode reader?

27 votes

Improve TextRecognize[] on numbers

27 votes

How to print without having newline added automatically at the end?

27 votes

Detecting an ellipse in a glaucoma photo

26 votes

Symbolic area calculation for a parametric self-intersecting closed curve

26 votes

Implementing hexagon binning in mathematica

26 votes

Is there a concise form of Which or similar conditional?

26 votes

Animating transition between all graph representations obtained from curated data

26 votes

Nice formatting for the results of a dice game simulation

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