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Questions about getting data, files, images etc. from various formats into a form that can be read, tranformed and manipulated by Mathematica

3 votes

How to generate a list of datas from a table with more y-values

Given @anderstood's data structure, another way, if you really want to learn about some List Manipulation functions: data = Transpose[Map[Thread[List[First[#], Rest[#]]&, import]] The trick here is … Also, this would normally be written like this, where /@ is infix shorthand for Map: data = Thread[{First[#], Rest[#]}]& /@ import // Transpose …
Andrew Cheong's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How can I troubleshoot a PDF that fails to import?

I'm trying to import a PDF file whose text I'd like to parse, but I'm getting an error with no explanation: Import["foobar.pdf", {"PDF", "Plaintext"}] (* $Failed *) I know the file exists as named, … because if it didn't, $Mathematica$ would show a message: Import["foobaz.pdf", {"PDF", "Plaintext"}] (* Import::nffil: File not found during Import. *) (* $Failed *) Is there any way to get more information …
Andrew Cheong's user avatar
4 votes

How can I troubleshoot a PDF that fails to import?

downloading and extracting the Windows executable from their Downloads page (and adding the executable to my Windows $PATH), I ran mutools.exe clean foobar.pdf foobar-unlocked.pdf and then was able to import
Andrew Cheong's user avatar