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Arrange 1-n^2 in n×n grid satisfy products of rows equal to products columns

For which $n\in\mathbb{N}$ is it possible to arrange $\{1,…,n^2\}$ in an $n\times n$ grid so that the set of products of columns equals the set of products of rows? I can find solution for $3\times 3$ ...
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How to get all necklaces without the full permutations' set?

There are previous posts, such as Delete duplicates from list of lists as if on a necklace, that give a way to find all necklaces from a set of lists. The methods presented there work well for a small ...
Kostas's user avatar
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Find all sets whose index is divisible by the elements

Suppose I have such a set $S=\{3,4,5,...n+2\}, n\in \mathbb{Z}_{>\, 0} $, $a_n$ is any permutation of $S$ such that $n|a_n$, I want to know how many such $a_n$. The easy but inefficient way to do ...
expression's user avatar
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Accelerating sum over permutations of matrix elements

I am trying to short-cut the use of a CoefficientArrays call by manually calculating the resulting matrix of coefficients myself (this avoids using symbolic arrays ...
AnotherShruggingPhysicist's user avatar
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Find Max Instance Over Permutations

I would like to find the maximum of some objective function over all possible permutations ...
user2757771's user avatar
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Generating a list of integers that sums to zero

Given a pair of integers n and k, I want to generate all lists of integers of length n, ...
user366202's user avatar
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Finding all Latin Squares of order 5

A Latin Square is a square of size n × n containing numbers 1 to n inclusive. Each number occurs once in each row and column. An example of a 3 × 3 Latin Square is: $$ \left( \begin{array}{ccc} 1 &...
expression's user avatar
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Splitting balls over sized bins

This is strongly related to Splitting a set of integers over a set of bins, but a much simpler case. If we have $N$ indistinguishable balls and $k$ arbitrarily large distinguishable bins, we know the ...
b3m2a1's user avatar
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Pair-wise equality over large sets of large vectors

I've got an interesting performance tuning/algorithmic problem that I'm running into in an optimization context. I've got a set of ~16-50 lists of integers (usually in ...
b3m2a1's user avatar
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How to use function `GeneratingFunction ` to solve this combinatorial problem efficiently?

Divide the 14 elements {A, B, C, C, C, C, D, D, D, D, E, E, E, E} into 7 groups (one group all have two elements), and I want to find out how many kinds of methods ...
A little mouse on the pampas's user avatar
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Why is NextPermutation slow?

<< Combinatorica` Permutations[Range[0, 9]][[1000000]] // AbsoluteTiming Nest[NextPermutation, Range[0, 9], 1*^6 - 1] // AbsoluteTiming I want to save memory,...
AsukaMinato's user avatar
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Efficiently removing elements from list of permutations

I'm looking for an efficient way to remove entries from a list of permutations. I have a list of variables from which I calculate all possible permutations. I then want to remove those permutations ...
ala10's user avatar
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Optimize certain list over permutations, perhaps using recursions?

I am trying to improve my code for computing products of monomial symmetric functions. It boils down to the following. Let lam and ...
Per Alexandersson's user avatar
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Faster way to find longest chain of inequalities

I have a list of algebraic expression, all variables are positive, some of them have a specific size relationship. Such as: $\frac{(a b+a c+b c)^2}{a+b+c}\leq \frac{1}{3} (a+b+c) (a b+a c+b c)\leq \...
matrix42's user avatar
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ls Ordering[Ordering[list]] optimal?

Given a list list with unique elements, the task is to replace each element by its position in Sort[list]. For example, ...
Roman's user avatar
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