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Questions tagged [astronomy]

Questions on the astronomical applications of Mathematica.

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Checking the formula for solving the Poisson equation with an integral over all of space

EDIT: According to 2.2.3 Rigorous derivation, if we find the integral $u(x,y) = \int \int G(x,y,m,n)f(m,n) dm dn$ then we obtain a function that satisfies the Poisson equation $\nabla^2u(x,y)=f(x,y)$. ...
ayr's user avatar
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Help me figure out how to solve the gravitational lens equations [migrated]

I want to simulate gravitational lensing. In the article LENSINGGW: a PYTHON package for lensing of gravitational waves there is this fragment [page 3]: My research: As far as I understand, this is a ...
ayr's user avatar
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AscendingNodeLongitude for the Moon at a given date

I have a question concerning AstronomicalData. If I want the declination of the moon for a given date, I use: ...
Werner Riegler's user avatar
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Solving a ODE (Peeble's Equation) with initial condition a the maximum input range

I have a differential equation which is, $$ \frac{d X_e}{dz} = \frac{C_r(z)}{H(z)}\times \frac{1}{(1+z)}\Big[\frac{38\eta T^3}{25\pi^2}\alpha (T)X_e^2 - b(T)(1 - X_e) \Big] $$ Where $$ \alpha(T) = \...
Kazi Abu Rousan's user avatar
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How do I use StarData with HR number as input?

In Mathematica 13.1, it is simple to look up star data using the star name as input, like this: StarData["Capella","EffectiveTemperature"] ...
Jason's user avatar
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Calculating upper culmination of the Moon

I’m completely confused by the new astronomical data system in Mathematica. For every day in some interval, I want to calculate {azimuth, altitude} of the Moon in ...
lesobrod's user avatar
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AstroPosition[] years of validity

I'm using online version 13.3(?) attempting to compute the position of Jupiter. It looks like "AstroPosition[]" only returns values for years between 1900 and 2050. Outside of these dates, ...
W. Cottee's user avatar
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Astroposition function in wolfra cloud

I am trying to copy paste and compute the input given in this link for the movement of mars. But wolfram cloud gives error. When compute ...
shanrrg's user avatar
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Entering Right Ascension in AstroPosition [closed]

In the new Mathematica 13.2 the AstroGraphics let you plot the sky, e.g. centered at a specific coordinate. However, I cannot figure out how to enter efficiently the value for {right ascension, ...
HJensen's user avatar
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Location of the point on Earth with the Sun at the zenith

This should be an easy question, but I don't know the correct syntax. I'm trying to create an animation based on NightHemisphere during a year. For each day, the instant correspond to the time of the ...
Antonio Gonzalez's user avatar
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Performance improvement of array setup and processing

I need to improve the speed of the following algorithm: Take a list $x={x_1,...x_n}$. For each integer $i=1,..n$ construct the following list assuming $z=x_i$ if $i=1$ and $z=x_{i-1}$ otherwise: $X_i=...
Markus Roellig's user avatar
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Path of moon orbiting the Earth [closed]

I'm trying to make an animation showing the path of the moon orbiting around the earth, but I'm having some trouble plotting it. For some reason, Mathematica doesn't give me any error messages but ...
Birgitt's user avatar
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Constructing Wolfram Alpha Query for Solar Position

When I use Mathematica calls to WolframAlpha, it clearly knows about the motion of the sun, so I can request the solar declination at any date/time: But I'm having great difficulty crafting a query ...
Michael's user avatar
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Charting sun location throughout the year from a specified geographic location

I'd like to chart the location of the sun (azimuth and elevation) from a given location (e.g., Chicago) throughout the year for a stated year (e.g., 2010). Here is the basic extraction of the current ...
David G. Stork's user avatar
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Units Question for PlanetData[..]

I asked a similar question yesterday, which was answered splendidly, but I missed adding a detail. Attached is a command, its output, and the issue I have now. This outputs g/cm^3, but I'd rather have ...
fiz's user avatar
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Converting Units [duplicate]

I'm using MMA 12.2. Trying to put together some astronomy pages, but the output of the command below is in miles. I would rather have it in SI units instead. On my system evaluating ...
fiz's user avatar
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Getting error Solve::units [closed]

I'm trying to solve the following formula for i, given values for all other variables. There are two equations, the first one is a formula to show the transit ...
Nickpick's user avatar
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Travelling around Jupiter

Since we have soon historical conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn I have prepared code with visualization planet Jupiter and Saturn with moons. This code first been prepared for version 11.3 and with ...
Alex Trounev's user avatar
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Quick question about "shifting x axis"

Imagine I have two lists: x={x1,x2,x3,x4,...} y={y1,y2,y3,y4,...} And I want a listplot ListPlot[Transpose[{x,y}]] Would do ...
nuwe's user avatar
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Fast N-Body Simulation with CUDA [closed]

There is a Mathematica code for 3 body simulation ...
vito's user avatar
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2 body orbits around a barycenter

I'm attempting to plot a barycentric orbit of the sun and Jupiter. Initial Conditions ...
isaac5122's user avatar
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gravitational two body problem for the orbit of the sun and jupiter around their barycenter

This is a simulation of the sun and jupiter orbiting the respective barycenter. Initial conditions ...
isaac5122's user avatar
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N body simulation

I'm trying to solve a 3 body problem consisting of the earth moon and sun. I'm wanting to show the earth orbiting the sun and the moon orbiting the earth as a result of the gravitational forces. ...
isaac5122's user avatar
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Detect sub figures and split (automatically?)

I would like to take a large figure showing a sequence of individual plots and automatically split the into series of images showing the individual sub-plots (to be exported as animated GIF later). ...
Markus Roellig's user avatar
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NDSolve Maxsteps Reached Error

I'm trying to solve a system of Equations. The code is commented below, I am mainly conserved with the last few lines, specifically the NDSolve line. No matter what I do to the Maxsteps option, the ...
charl1e's user avatar
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Solar Power Calculations

Good Afternoon, I have calculated the Incident beam radiation for a given locations local sunlight hours. ...
isaac5122's user avatar
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StarData, Altitude/Azimuth Anomaly with TimeZones

I am trying to compute lunar parallax using the position of the star Regulus on February 19th of this year. I get different answers depending on how I specify the date. Here are the particulars: <...
Spencer Rugaber's user avatar
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Can NDSolve address spherical gravitational collapse?

As far as I know spherical gravitational collapse -of central importance to theoretical physics- is thought to be out of the scope of Wolfram Mathematica. However there are cases, as in this article,...
user avatar
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Finding the next total SolarEclipse over a given latitude and longitude?

What is a reasonable way to code the title question in Mathematica? Trying the following gave Polygons over GeoPositions over Lists of pairs, but just digging into these seemed inelegant. Besides, ...
ShyPerson's user avatar
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StarData: proper motion of a star in HelioCoordinates

I am not an astronomer, but am trying to calculate the trajectory of an interstellar space probe, for example to Proxima Centauri. The HelioCoordinates seem appropriate, as typically used within the ...
Dave M's user avatar
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