
I want to keep the original order of l1:

l1 = {"qwe", "abc", "abb", "aba", "ddd"};
l2 = {"abc", "abd", "aba", "qwe"};
Intersection[l1, l2]

Output: {"aba", "abc", "qwe"}

Expected output: {"qwe", "abc", "aba"}


7 Answers 7


To keep the original order, use Cases[] with Alternatives:

l1 = {"qwe", "abc", "abb", "aba", "ddd"};
l2 = {"abc", "abd", "aba", "qwe"};
Cases[l1, Apply[Alternatives, l2]]

Output: {"qwe", "abc", "aba"}

Use AbsoluteTiming to benchmark this solution - processing time is comparable to Intersection[].

If this helps you, remember to up-vote. :)

AbsoluteTiming[] benchmarks: (see dataset creation instructions below)

Intersection[l1, l2]; // AbsoluteTiming

{0.008827, Null}

Cases[l1, Apply[Alternatives, l2]]; // AbsoluteTiming

{0.003104, Null}

Select[l1, MemberQ[l2, #] &]; // AbsoluteTiming

{2.24958, Null}

Map[If[MemberQ[l2, #], #, Nothing] &, l1]; // AbsoluteTiming

{2.22717, Null}

Reap[If[MemberQ[l2, #], Sow[#]] & /@ l1][[2, 1]]; // AbsoluteTiming

{2.21488, Null}

PositionIndex[Join[l1, l2]] // Select[Length[#] > 1 &] // 
    Values[#, First] & // Part[Join[l1, l2], #] &; // AbsoluteTiming

{0.033102, Null}

With[{L = Join[l1, l2]}, 
   Part[L, Values[Select[PositionIndex@L, Length@# > 1 &]][[All, 
      1]]]]; // AbsoluteTiming

{0.032718, Null}

CreateDataStructure["OrderedHashSet", l1]["Intersection", l2][
   "Elements"]; // AbsoluteTiming

enter image description here in Mathematica 12.1

{0.011508, Null}

list = Map[StringJoin, Tuples[RandomSample[Alphabet[], 5], 6]];
Print["List length: ", Length[list]]
l1 = RandomSample[list, IntegerPart[Length[list]*0.6]];
l2 = RandomSample[list, IntegerPart[Length[list]*0.6]];

List length: 15625


One way to keep the order in l1 is this:

l1 = {"qwe", "abc", "abb", "aba", "ddd"};
l2 = {"abc", "abd", "aba", "qwe"};
Select[l1, MemberQ[l2, #] &]
(* {"qwe", "abc", "aba"} *)

Note that the Select function has been in Mathematica since version 1.0. The alternative Map[If[MemberQ[l2, #], #, Nothing] &, l1] does the same thing. A variant is Reap[If[MemberQ[l2, #], Sow[#]] & /@ l1][[2, 1]].

  • 4
    $\begingroup$ Select[l1, MemberQ[l2, #] &] is similar in spirit, but a bit more elegant. $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 27, 2021 at 20:37
  • $\begingroup$ @HenrikSchumacher Thanks for that helpful comment! $\endgroup$
    – Somos
    Commented Jul 27, 2021 at 20:44

You can use the new data structure functionality in M12.1 to do this. For example:

l1 = {"qwe", "abc", "abb", "aba", "ddd"};
l2 = {"abc", "abd", "aba", "qwe"};

ds = CreateDataStructure["OrderedHashSet", l1]["Intersection", l2]["Elements"]

{"qwe", "abc", "aba"}

A bit of explanation. CreateDataStructure["OrderedHashSet", l1] creates a data structure containing l1. Then, giving "Intersection", l2 as the arguments of the data structure intersects the contents of the data structure with the set l2, returning the data structure. Finally, using "Elements" as the argument to the returned data structure gives the remaining elements.

  • $\begingroup$ Ran in 12.1, return the following error: DataStructure::noop: Elements is not a known operation for OrderedHashSet. $\endgroup$
    – MiKK
    Commented Jul 30, 2021 at 23:16
  • $\begingroup$ Works beautifully in 12.3 and really interestingly illustrates the use of CreateDataStructure[]. +1 $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 31, 2021 at 6:36

A wonderfully over-engineered solution:

l1 = {"qwe", "abc", "abb", "aba", "ddd"};
l2 = {"abc", "abd", "aba", "qwe"};
PositionIndex[Join[l1, l2]] //
   Select[Length[#] > 1 &] //
   Values[#, First] & //
   Part[Join[l1, l2], #] &
  • $\begingroup$ A light variation is With[{L = Join[l1, l2]}, Part[L, Values[Select[PositionIndex@L, Length@# > 1 &]][[All, 1]]]]. $\endgroup$
    – Somos
    Commented Jul 28, 2021 at 11:14

Using DeleteCases, Complement and Alternatives:

DeleteCases[l1, Alternatives @@ Complement[l1, l2]]

(*{"qwe", "abc", "aba"}*)

Since V 13.1 there is DeleteElements

l1 = {"qwe", "abc", "abb", "aba", "ddd"};
l2 = {"abc", "abd", "aba", "qwe"};

DeleteElements[l1, Complement[l1, l2]]

{"qwe", "abc", "aba"}

l1 = {"qwe", "abc", "abb", "aba", "ddd"};
l2 = {"abc", "abd", "aba", "qwe"};

r1 = # -> # & /@ l1
r2 = # -> # & /@ l2

KeyTake[r2, Keys@r1] // Keys

{"qwe", "abc", "aba"}


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